I'll be the judge of that, perv

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"Stupid suitcase.. will you just.. please.. why won't you.. ughhh."

I huff, stomping against where the zip is straining to close. I've been trying to get this thing closed for twenty minutes now and It's taking every ounce of sanity I have left not to scream, or maybe cry, I haven't decided yet.

The last few weeks have flown by in a blur of work and trying to forget the fact that I was roofied. Just more trauma to add to my list, fun.

Christmas week has crept up on us and Spencer and I are flying out to Vegas today to spend a few days with his mom before travelling to see my family for the holidays.

Spencer appears in the bedroom, leaning one shoulder against the doorframe. The smirk prominent on his face is showing me that he is  no doubt enjoying watching me struggle.

He's been waiting for me, packed and ready hours ago. Which wasn't hard, he threw a few sweaters and t-shirts in his bag and he was done. 

"Need some help?"

Exhausted, I flop onto the bed mumbling when my face sinks into the pillow. "Yes, please."

"Jesus Averie, what's in here?" I feel the bed shift from underneath me and hear my suitcase land on the floor with a thud. "You know we're only going for a few days?"

I flip onto my back, watching as he pries the overflowing suitcase open. "Just the essentials."

"Three coats are essential?"

"It gets cold in Illinois," I defend.

"And we're going to be there for two days," He scoffs, pulling the two extras from the suitcase. "One coat."


"Come on," He rolls his eyes, bunching up my bikinis and throwing them from the suitcase to the bed. "Six of them?"

"It's hot in Vegas." I defend myself again, choosing not to tell him that there's actually eight hidden in there.

"Again, we're only going to be there for two days." His eyes roam the bathing suits, picking up the black bikini throwing it back into the suitcase. "You only need one."

His eyebrows raise when he spots the red triangle top bikini and matching side tie bottoms. His eyes flick to mine when he holds up the small amount of fabric. "Okay, maybe two."

A laugh falls from my lips when he slips it back into the suitcase. "Perv."

"You voluntarily let me see you naked," He narrows his eyes in my direction. "Claiming I'm a perv doesn't count."

I match his expression. "I'll be the judge of that, perv."

Giving up on our stand off, he focuses back to the suitcase. "Your robe, seriously?" He chuckles, pulling it out. "You don't even wear this here."

"I'm an over packer, sue me."

He purses his lips, holding up the five pairs of shoes I stuffed in here earlier.

"Yeah, okay." I giggle. "That's not necessary."

"Are you ready now?" Spencer asks when he finally zips up my suitcase, minus all the extras I packed. "We should leave."

"The airport is thirty minutes away." My brows furrow as I turn my head to the clock on the nightstand. "Our flight isn't for another four hours."

"What if there's traffic?" He crosses his arms over his chest. "Or a huge line at TSA?"

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