Boob milk? I'm good

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

I can't stop smiling watching Spencer give Aidan the official tour of the home he's going to grow up in.

"This is your room," He whispers, turning on the mobile hanging above the crib. "Look, we decorated it all just for you."

We only had to spend one full day in the hospital since my birth was as smooth as possible. So we arrived home today, having a few hours to get settled in before our parents flights land in later today. Thankfully, Derek offered to pick them up from the airport so we don't have to worry about that.

I follow Spencer down the stairs, still smiling when he stops to show Aidan our wedding pictures hung on the wall.

"You were in there that day," Spencer grins, pointing to my wedding dress covered stomach in the photo of our first kiss. "You were teeny tiny but you were there."

I follow them into the living room, watching as Spencer turns on the lights of our Christmas tree that is still up. He picks up the ultrasound picture we had hanging on the top, holding it in front of Aidan's face.

"This is you giving us the middle finger," Spencer laughs, gently poking his finger into Aidan's chest. "Not so tough now, huh?"

Spencer's face drops when Aidan immediately starts to cry. "Oh no, no, no I didn't mean it," He says frantically, rocking him in his arms. "I still love you."

Walking over to them, I take Aidan. "He's probably just hungry," I say, still laughing. "I'll feed him."

I settle onto the couch and start to nurse him and Spencer kisses the side of my head. "I'll finish getting the stuff from the car."

We had to stop at the store on the way home to stock up on some of the essentials like diapers and wipes.

Spencer gets back inside a few minutes later, the remainder of our bags in hand. He sets them down on the coffee table in front of me, beginning to take everything out.

"Wipes...Aidan's diapers... your diapers."

I roll my eyes. "Ha ha."

My vagina has been through a lot. I have two words for you, bleeding and swollen. I don't even want to talk about it.

"It's sexy babe," Spencer teases, very amused at the fact that I've to wear them for the next few days. "Don't worry."

My shoulders shrug. "You're laughing but you're the odd one out."

Spencer chuckles, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"Two against one," I say, patting Aidan's bum. "You're the only one not wearing one."

"I know what you're doing," He says slowly, narrowing his eyes. "It's not going to work."

"Your dad is a loser, huh?" I whisper to Aidan, loud enough for Spencer to hear. He finishes feeding and I pull my shirt back down, cradling him in my arms. "He can't be part of the club with us."

"Averie, that's still not going to work."

I turn Aidan towards Spencer, taking his little hand and shaping his fingers into an L and placing it on his forehead. "Loser."

Spencer, who clearly doesn't like the fact that we're teaming up on him already as he would say, scoffs and grabs the package of diapers, ripping one out. I burst out laughing when he actually pulls one up his legs. I can't believe that worked.

Spencer laughs, placing his hands on his hips. "Can I be part of the club now?"

I giggle when I nod. "Yes you can—"

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