That better not be your proposal

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V


Penelope's voice echos across the parking lot, heels clicking against the concrete when she runs towards Derek's car.

"Does she realise my car is here?" I mumble to Derek as we walk behind her. "I'm not riding with you guys."

"Let her relish in the victory," He sweeps his hand out towards her when she reaches the car door. "Look how happy she is."

Chuckling as we catch up to her, I round Derek's car which is parked right beside mine, unlocking it and throwing my go bag in the back seat.

Derek claps his hand to my shoulder, shooting me a wink. "Give your girl a kiss from me."

Rolling my eyes, I shut the back seat door. Ever since he met Averie, he says this every time he knows I'm going home to see her.

"Your girl?" Penelope's brows crease towards Derek, her pointer finger wags between us, eyes widening in realisation when her finger finally settles on me. "Your girl?"

Mine and Derek's eyes meet, both not really sure how to respond because the look she's giving us, for once isn't happy.

Her voice lowers as she stalks towards me. "You let him meet her?"

"Hey!" Derek defends, throwing his hands up towards her. "What's wrong with me?"

"I love you chocolate thunder," She heaves a sigh, tilting her head towards him. "But you're a lot to handle."

Derek's eyebrows raise, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm a lot to handle?"

"You've probably scared her away and I haven't even met her yet!" Penelope's voice raises, poking her finger into his chest. "And you didn't even tell me you met her!"

"Sorry baby girl," Derek kisses her cheek, pulling her into him. "Promised I wouldn't say anything."

"I need all the details," Her eyes which are now daggers settle on me. "Like now."

"You'll meet her soon Penelope," I smile. "I promise."

She beams on her toes, hands clapping together and wiggling in place while she does a little happy dance. "I'm getting a new best friend."

"You going to pick her up?" Derek asks and I nod.

"Oo," Penelope's eyes widen. "Where does she work?"

"She's a nurse," I say, hoping that will be enough for her not to ask what hospital.

"Man," Penelope's shoulders slump when she clicks her fingers. "I was way off with my guess of international spy."

Derek winces, "Just a bit."

"Okay," Penelope draws out, hopeful eyes lifting to mine. "She's a nurse and her name is..."

"Nice try," I laugh, knowing if she gets her name, she will look her up. I point my finger towards Derek, "And don't you tell her."

Anything the team is going to learn about my girlfriend is going to be from Averie herself. Not whatever Penelope can find when she enviably runs a background search on her.

A puff of air passes Penelope's lips when she climbs into the passenger seat. "I'm getting really impatient!"

"Hey," I drop my voice, leaning into Derek. I already know Penelope is going to grill him about Averie the second I drive away. "Can we leave out the reason why you came over that day?"

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