Why is Emily straddling my fiancée?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"That's disgusting."

I grimace watching Mia pull open my fridge and take the jar of pickles out. She's making a peanut butter sandwich and decided pickles was essential to add to it.

"I'm pregnant," She mumbles around the spoon of peanut butter in her mouth. "It's delicious."

"I love you," Alex winces, turning his head away when she takes the first bite. "But Averie's right, that's disgusting."

She hums contently, rubbing her seven month pregnant belly and shoots me a glare when I fake gag as she takes another bite.

"Just wait until you get pregnant," She waves me off. "You'll understand then."

I shiver, picking an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite. I really hope I don't have cravings like that when I get pregnant.

Spencer comes down the stairs a few minutes later and I whistle when he walks into the kitchen, all cleaned up for whatever Derek has planned for his bachelor party tonight. They're going out and me and all of the girls are staying in for my bachelorette party.

His hair is still wet from the shower I declined having with him because Mia and Alex showed up early, jeans and a crisp white button up shirt.

I lean up on my tippy toes where I'm greeted with the scent of his cologne when I press my lips to his. "You look nice."

"Thank you." His lips curve into a smile, pulling me closer. "Are those new jeans?" Spencer's hands land on my hips, spinning me to the side, the other side, to the back before finally facing him again when he slaps his hand to my ass and grabs. "Nice."

"Other people in the room right now," Huffs the weird food craving woman in the corner.

"Please," Spencer snorts. "Don't act like I didn't walk in on you guys practically dry humping in the break room when I was picking Averie up from work last week."

"Pregnancy makes you horny," She defends, patting her hand to my shoulder. "Another thing to look forward to."

When Spencer and Alex get wrapped up in conversation, Mia pumps her eyebrows at me, wiggling the disgusting sandwich she's still eating in her other hand, "With the look on Spencer's face when he seen you in those jeans, you're going to be having these cravings soon."

I roll my eyes, laughing her comment off.

Spencer and I haven't told anyone that we're trying because we don't want the added pressure of everyone asking or assuming I'm pregnant. But I did take a pregnancy test this morning just in case since I'm going to be drinking tonight. And I tried my best not to get upset when it, again, came back negative.

The sound of the front door opening interrupts our conversation, shuffles of footsteps in the hallway and the murmurs of familiar voices.


"In the kitchen!" I yell, hopping up to sit on the countertop.

"Are you dressed? Because I really don't want to walk in on—"

I resist an eye roll. "Yes, Derek. We're dressed!"

Seconds later Derek, Penelope, Hotch, Emily, Rossi, and JJ appear in the kitchen, all dressed up and ready to celebrate.

"I hope you're ready to get drunk," Emily grins, placing several bags down on the counter that I already know are filled with alcohol. "I got the good tequila."

I wink, "I always knew I liked you."

"You ready to go pretty boy?" Derek grins, slinging an arm around Spencer's shoulder.

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