You're talking to my ass, aren't you?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"How do you do it?"

I take a bite of my apple, raising a questioning eyebrow at Kate across the lunch table. "Do what?"

"Spencer's away a lot," She sighs, pushing her food around with her fork. "How do you deal with it?"

I'm assuming she's asking because apparently her girlfriend is rarely here. I don't know exactly where she lives but Kate said she moves around a lot. I've never met her but if she's anything like Kate, she's got to be sweet.

"Spend as much time together as we can," I shrug. "If he's here, then we're together."

Her head tips in a nod, but I don't miss the way her shoulders slump.

"Hey," I dip my head, urging her to look up. "Everything okay?"

"Does he ever.." Her apprehensive eyes flicker up to meet mine, "Make you do things you don't want to do?"

"Like what?" I lean closer, dropping my voice. "Ana—"

"No," Her eyes widen when she cuts me off. "Not that."

"Then what?"

And for the record Spencer did ask, once. I told him when I can do it to him, he can do it to me.

He hasn't asked since.

"It's just," She lets out a breath, looking back down at the food she's yet to touch. "Never mind."

I reach over and place my hand on her's, giving it a squeeze. "You can talk to me, you know."

"I know," She says, giving me an almost pained smile when she mumbles, "You're a good friend."

Sensing she doesn't want me to push the subject, I smile, patting my hand against her's. "I know I am."

She snorts, "Humble too."

"What can I say?" I sweep my hair over shoulder, raising a teasing brow. "God has his favorites."

"Keep telling yourself that," She laughs, scooting her chair back. "I have to go, my breaks up."

I wave her off, watching her walk out of the cafeteria at the same time I see Mia walk in, making a beeline once her eyes settle on me.

My gaze drops to the brown paper bag she's clutching in her hands when she approaches.

"Hey," Her voice wavers. "Can you do something with me?"


Its official.

This is the longest three minutes of my life.

I can't even think straight as I watch the timer counting down.

I haven't even finished college yet, I can't have a baby. I can't even take care of myself.

Tommy's been drinking and using even more recently. It started off when his mom died just once or twice a week. Now I don't even remember the last time he was sober.

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