I dont like to lose

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

Sending a quick text to Spencer saying that I'll pick up dinner on the way to his, I put my phone back in my pocket. I pick up my pen filling out my last chart for the night.

Surprisingly he hasn't been called away on a case, so we've been able to spend a few nights together this week. Me not working as much because the two new nurses finally started, definitely helped.

Kate, the other new nurse Dr. Campbell ended up hiring, leans in to me and nudges her head to the side. "20 bucks says they fuck in the next month."

Lifting my head from my work, I see Mia and Alex huddled in the corner of the lunch room, laughing and whispering amongst themselves.

Turning back to Kate, I shrug slipping my clipboard onto the desk. "I give them two weeks at best."

"You're on."


"There's meant to be meteor shower tonight." Spencer says, placing his finished plate on the table.

I follow him, placing my plate on the table. "I've never seen one before, can we watch?"

"We won't be able to see it here. The DC area is too light polluted, it just overpowers the meteors making them to hard to see."

"Oh." I mumble, my shoulders slouching. "That's to bad."

He purses his lips in thought, eyes scanning my face when he continues. "Better chance at seeing it would be from somewhere less light polluted."

I pick up my water from the table taking a sip. "Where would that be?"

"Maybe Baltimore or Loudon." He says, the look on his face tells me he knows exactly what I'm going to say next.

I grin over the rim of my cup. "Baltimore is only 45 minutes away."

Seeing my excitement he doesn't stay anything else, walking over and grabbing his keys, ushering me with him. I leap off the couch, grabbing the throw blanket with me, meeting him by the door.

"You drive us everywhere." I say, grabbing the keys from his hands. "I'm driving."

He looks apprehensive, but I shrug it off already grabbing his hand, leading him out the apartment door.


My hands grip the steering wheel as we drive down the I-95 to Baltimore. Though Spencer remains silent in the passenger seat, the way he's fumbling with his hands and keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead intently, I can tell he was something to say.

He keeps opening and closing his mouth but ultimately decides against it. After ten minutes, he seems to finally have enough, saying what he's been thinking. "You're a really bad driver."

I gasp, whipping around to face him. "I am not!"

His eyes widen before he reaches over and pulls the wheel to the left. "Yes, you are."

I wince looking back at the road, where he just avoided us going into the ditch. Okay, maybe I am.

"How did you get your license?"

I quickly look over at him before focusing back on the road. "I failed my first time."

"Don't you just drive straight for 10 minutes?"

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