Where's my underwear?

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A V E R I E ' S P O V

I've always wondered if the music from the radio still plays after you get into a car wreck. I guess I have my answer, it does.

I squeeze my eyes shut when the stupid happy song that's playing over the speakers starts to overpower the sharp ringing in my ears.

Everything flashes through my mind in a hazy memory when I determine that the shock must have made me pass out. The ice, the snow, the other car we collided with, the screeching of the tyres and Spencer's hand shooting out protectively over me.


My eyes snap open and I look to my right. He's unconscious. His head is rolled forward and his chin is to his chest. I scramble to unbuckle my seat belt, frantically pulling against it when it doesn't budge. It's stuck.

"Spencer," I plead through my shaken voice. "Please wake up."

When he doesn't move I manoeuvre myself around enough in the seat to reach for him. The drivers side window is completely shattered, there's glass all over him.

I brush as much of it as I can away before tilting his head back against the head rest. My hands cup his face while I call out his name, lightly tapping my hand to his cheek. I'm just about to give up and search for my phone when he groans and I see him start to regain conciseness.

Spencer swallows harshly, his eyes only cracked open a sliver. "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm fine," I say through my tears. "But I need you to stay awake for me. Okay?"

I can see him fighting to keep his eyes open when he reaches for my hand and squeezes. "I'm trying," He says, letting out a small cough.

"I know baby," I say, willing my voice to stay steady. "I know it's hard but just talk to me."

The adrenaline and shock coursing through my body is making it hard to focus but I know I need to find one of our phones and call someone.

"Spencer!" Someone yells from the distance. "Averie!"

My head snaps to the right and the same time Derek's car skids to a stop beside us and he and Penelope come barrelling out. Thank god they left after us.

Penelope is already on the phone with an ambulance by the time Derek makes it to the passenger side door and rips it open, his eyes wide with worry.

"Are you hurt?"

"No," I say, glancing back to find Spencer unconscious again. "Can you get him out?"

"After you," Derek says, pulling at my seatbelt from where it's stuck. "Spencer would kill me if I didn't get you out first."

He gets the seat belt off and helps me step out of the car. Penelope assures us that a ambulance is two minutes away while we watch Derek climb into the passenger side, attempting to pull Spencer from the car. The drivers side is completely smashed in so there's no way he could get that door open.

I'm forcing myself to take deep breaths so I don't pass out again while Derek successfully gets Spencer out of the car but he's still not responding to any of our attempts to wake him up.

Only when I see the flashing lights of the ambulance in the distance do I get the smallest bit of hope.


"The baby is okay."

That's the only words I've been able to speak in hours.

I was brought in for an Emergency sonogram the second we arrived at the hospital and other than some minor scratches and some bruising on my skin from where the belt strained, me and the baby are perfectly okay.

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