Profilers, huh?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

I stir awake from my light sleep to the sound of Aidan babbling to himself in the bassinet beside me.

Sitting up and turning on the lamp on the bedside table, a dull light illuminates the dark room enough to see my son smiling up at me.

His smile is my favorite thing in the world. All the morning sickness, every pain and ache I had during my pregnancy is completely worth it for that smile.

Aidan started actually smiling at Spencer and I this week, not just smiling in his sleep because he was milk drunk or leaving us a lovely surprise in his diaper. Smiling because he recognises our faces and his own now completely lights up at the sight of us.

I feel like he's really developed his own personality in the last few weeks, he's not just a sleepy little lump anymore.

He still sleeps most of the time though, but lucky for me, he always seems to be wide awake at four a.m. Which is exactly why every night I sit up with him in bed rear to five in the morning, trying to tire him out.

Propping some pillows up against the headboard, I lean back and bend my legs so Aidan can rest his back against my thighs. He wraps his whole hands around my thumbs and he kicks his legs like crazy.

"You have no idea what I'm saying," I whisper to him in a baby voice, plastering the happiest expression I can across my face. "But if I talk like this you find it cute."

Aidan gives me a huge gummy grin, babbling and gurgling in an attempt to talk back to me.

"You're a little devil that doesn't let mommy sleep," I say, still smiling brightly. "But you're adorable so I guess it's okay."

How could I be upset when the reason for my sleepless nights has a face that cute?

But as a result of Aidan's reversed sleep schedule, I've basically become nocturnal at this point.

The sound of Spencer's phone ringing cuts through the air. I look over to where he's sleeping soundly in the bed beside us and I nudge my hand to his shoulder.

"Spence," I whisper, shaking him. "Your phone."

He stirs awake, blinding reaching for his phone on the nightstand. He brings it to his ear, rubbing at his tired eyes. "Hello?" He asks, groggy from sleep. "Okay.. yeah, I'll be there soon."

"A case?" I ask when he sets the phone down.

"Yeah," He sighs, reaching over to grab Aidan. He holds him to his chest, rolling his head to the side when he says, "Portland."

This will be Spencer's first case back since his paternity leave ended. He was back in the office this past week, but no new case until now.

"I have to go," Spencer sighs, pulling back to look at his son. "It will feel like forever to you," He says, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. "But I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise."

Not knowing how long he's not going to see his son for must be hard on him. The cases the team usually work can take anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks to solve.

I take Aidan back from him when he mentions taking a quick shower. So with Aidan in my arms, we wander down to the kitchen and start a fresh pot of coffee.

Spencer enters the kitchen, freshly dressed and showered at the same time I set down his beautifully homemade breakfast on the kitchen table. A basic bowl of cereal and a mediocre cup of coffee. "Ta-da."

Spencer laughs, kissing the side of my head. "Thank you," He says sweetly, taking the baby from me.

Spencer sits Aidan down on his knee while he eats and I pretend to make myself busy, not acting like I'm listening while he talks to him.

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