Your dick is really fucking big

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

Spencer unlocks his apartment door and lets me walk through. Even running the few minutes back to his apartment, we still got soaked all the way through our clothes.

Entering, I'm still as amazed as I was the first time I was here. His apartment is beautiful. Looking around, I admire the dark contrasting colors and works of art he has hanging on the walls. This is exactly how I would decorate if I had the time or patience.

Taking off my wet shoes off by the door, I turn to him. "Did you decorate this place yourself?"

"Yeah." He nods, throwing his keys on the table. "I've lived here for almost eight years so it's stuff I've collected over the years."

"Can you do this to my apartment?" I ask, walking over to the book shelves, admiring how many he has collected. "Minus the books, I don't read this much."

"I'll do anything you want to your apartment." He replies, walking up behind me resting his hand on my hip. "But for now, you need to get out of those wet clothes."

"If you want to get me naked, all you have to do is ask." I muse, running my hand over the spine of some books.

He remains silent, so when I finally turn around he clears his throat. His Adam's apple bobs when he swallows. "That's not what I meant."

I pout. "You don't want to get me naked?"

Oh, I am evil.

His eyes widen, shaking his head. "That's not what I meant either."

Letting my expression drop I laugh, gently swatting his chest with my hand. "You're to easy."

He chuckles, shaking his head at me walking towards his bedroom. "One day, I'm not going to be all nervous around you, you're going to regret messing with me all the time."

I playfully stick my tongue out at him. "Don't threaten me with a good time."

When he returns from his room, he's already changed into a T-shirt and sweatpants, handing me the same to change in to.

I take the clothes from him with a grateful smile. "Pick a movie or something, I'll be out in a second."


The movie Spencer picked, which of course we abandoned any and all thoughts about after the opening credits, plays in the background as we are tangled together on his couch.

I don't know how it happened, maybe it was him, maybe it was me, but we're ten minutes into a heavy make out session on his couch.

His tounge sweeps my bottom lip, I part for him without a second thought. As our tongues softly glide against each other, Spencer rolls me to my back, holding himself above me.

I melt into the cushions beneath me, dragging Spencer to settle his hips between my legs. We spend many minutes both desperately exploring each other, running our hands anywhere in reach.

When the kiss breaks, our half open in desire eyes meet, both panting heavily. He gives me a lazy grin, propped up on one elbow beside my head, settling his other hand on my hip, underneath my T-shirt. He leans down, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth, my jaw then making his way down to my neck.

His half wet hair brushes against my jaw, causing me to giggle and turn my head to the side, giving him better access. I feel him smirk against my skin before attaching his lips to my neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin underneath my ear.

This is not the first time we've been in this position, this is usually the point when his phone would ring, but it doesn't. This time there are no distractions, it's just us.

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