You and your stupid dick

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

"Stop laughing at me."

I'm trying not to laugh, I swear. But watching Averie walk, sorry, waddle is really fucking funny.

We decided to stop in to a diner on the drive back to DC for some food and much needed coffee.

She slight limp she's sporting is causing her to wince with every step, clutching my arm as we walk across the parking lot.

And before you think I'm an asshole for laughing, she's laughing with me. I offered to help her walk but she assured me she was okay and even said was a 'nice pain', whatever that means..

We ended up using up all of the condoms last night, hence the limp, before eventually falling asleep only to be woken up two hours later to birds chirping outside the window, hence the much needed coffee.

"You and your stupid dick," She mumbles under her breath, walking into the diner when I hold the door open for her.

I put my hand on the small of her back, bending my lips to her ear while guiding her to the booth in the corner, "You weren't saying that last night."

Averie slides into the booth across from me. "Yeah well last night-"

Someone approaching our table causes her to stop mid sentence, both of us looking up to find a waitress standing there.

"Can I get you started with a drink?" She asks, placing a menu down on the table.

"Two coffee's please," I reply, picking up the menu. My eyes roam all of the options as the waitress walks off.

Averie nudges my foot with hers, putting her elbows on the table, she leans over to me. "The waitress was flirting with you."

"What?" I scoff. "No she wasn't."

"She is, didn't you see her batting her eyelashes at you?"

To be honest, I didn't really look at her that much. "No."

"She wouldn't even look at me," She laughs, nudging her head over my shoulder. "Watch when she comes back."

Our waitress approach's our booth again, placing the two coffee cups down.

Averie was right, the waitress won't even look in her direction. She subtly winks at me, pushing my coffee cup forward, "Cream or sugar?"

Across the table Averie snorts a laugh, bringing her hand to cover her mouth. I clear my throat, "Sugar, please."

Averie leans over the table, craning her neck to get into the waitress's view.  "And I'll take some cream, please."

The waitress doesn't even spare her a glance, nodding at me. There's the eyelash batting.

When Averie leans back into her seat I look to see she has 'I told you so' written across her face.

"You ready to order?" The waitress asks, once again staring right at me.

I fold up the menu and hand it to her. "I'll take some pancakes and my girlfriend will take a bagel with cream cheese, please."

When she purses her lips, I blink at her unamused that's she not even regarding the girl sitting across from me.

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