The baby just called you a bitch

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

I'm whistling while I walk into the kitchen, reaching for a mug and pouring myself a cup of coffee.

Bringing the rim of the cup to my lips, I blow on the steam, turning when I hear Averie's footsteps echoing behind me.

"What are you doing down here?" I ask, taking a small sip. "I told you that I'd bring you breakfast in bed."

She comes to a stop in front of me, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head on my chest. "Believe it or not, I don't like sleeping in our bed without you."

"Really?" I chuckle, pressing a kiss to her head. "Because you sure seem to like taking up the whole thing."

We have a king sized bed and she's either completely laying on top of me or star fished in the middle, leaving me with only a sliver of space at the side. There is no in between.

She giggles quietly, moving to rest her chin on my chest, looking up at me and puckering her lips. "I like to at least know that you're there."

"Falling off the edge?" I murmur between small kisses. "Fighting for some of the blankets?"

"You might roll off the edge, or you might not," She shrugs, pumping her eyebrows. "Keeps things interesting."

I laugh, placing one last kiss on her forehead. "How do you feel today?"


I snort, rubbing my hand across her stomach. "You don't feel sick this morning?"

Averie shakes her head with a yawn, pouting when I take another drink from my mug. "If I'm suffering without coffee, you should be as well."

"You're not drinking coffee for the health of our child," I say, taking another sip. "Taking it away from me is just cruel."

She playfully rolls her eyes at me, leaning back against the counter. "So, what are you making?"

"I'm making you some oatmeal."

She fake gags, scrunching her nose up in disgust. "No, thanks."

"Oatmeal is a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants." I raise an eyebrow, pulling out a pot and turning on the stove. "Hence, it's good for the baby."

She groans, hopping up to sit on the counter top beside me. She grabs her container of prenatal vitamins, popping one into her mouth and chasing it down with some water.

"See?" She pats her hand to her non existent bump. "I'm getting all the nutrients we need."

I turn the burner on, pouring some of the rolled oats into the pot. "Call me cautious."

Averie rolls her eyes at me before she gasps, clutching my arm. "Do you hear that?"

Our house is silent other than the sound of me stirring the pot of oats. "Hear what?"

"Mhm," She hums, tilting her ear down to her stomach. Her eyes lift to mine, "The baby said they want pancakes."

I chuckle, planting a kiss on her stomach. "Well you are the size of a strawberry and don't know what's good for you yet."

Averie frowns. "But pancakes would be so good for the baby."

I raise an eyebrow. "Pancakes are refined carbohydrates that rapidly increase your blood sugar and have harmful triglycerides that raise your risk of heart disease."

"Did you hear that?" She winces, putting her hand on her stomach. "The baby just called you a bitch."

"Cursing before it's even out of the womb?" I purse my lips, shaking my head in disapproval. "Definitely your child."

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