You get yours, I get mine

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

If my breakdown last week didn't scare Spencer away, I don't think anything will.

When we finally went to bed that night it's like all of the memories I tried so hard to forget came rushing back. I can't say ugly crying on his shoulder for hours was one of my finest moments, but he didn't seem to mind.

He held me while I cried, listened to me vent all night and I'm glad he was there for me because I really needed that. I needed to finally deal with what happened, to move on.

There was also an ugly crying day two, which also wasn't one of my finest moments. So if that didn't send him running for the hills either, nothing will.

But the third day I was okay. And now a week later, I'm good. My eyes aren't swollen from crying anymore so that also a plus.

I feel like I've finally accepted that what happened to me was just a shitty situation and it's over and in the past.

And the way he comforted me just confirmed how deep I already knew I was in love with him.

Now I just have to tell him.

Other than family, I've only ever said that to one person. The person who hurt me the most. Not that I think Spencer would do anything like that, I know he wouldn't.

But why are those three little words so scary?

I flick Spencer's forehead from where he's using my boobs as a pillow. "You're smothering me."

"Good," He says, tightening his arms around my waist. "I can keep you hear forever."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news," I wince, looking over at the clock on the nightstand seeing it's nearly twelve and we haven't even made an attempt to get out of bed today. "But I have to go."

He lifts his head from my chest with a small pout on his lips. "Go?"


It's Mia's birthday this weekend, so her Kate and I are going out for drinks. And I have nothing to wear.

"Can I come?"

I raise an eyebrow, "You want to walk around dress shopping with me?"

"It can't be that bad."


"I was wrong," Spencer groans. His eyes dart around the busy section before settling on mine. "This is bad."

I held back a laugh when he thought we were done after we left the first store. So now that we're in the fourth, he's itching to get out of here.

And as much as I appreciate his opinion, every time I ask if he likes what I picked, he tells me anything looks good on me.

"Go get coffee," I laugh, pushing his shoulder as he trails behind me. "I'll be done when you get back."

I saw a coffee shop across the street and considering the way Spencer saunters towards the exit without another word, he saw it too.

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