Speaking of eyes, open yours

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"3, 2, 1."

Spencer stands up straight on one, causing me to feel like I'm going to fall back. So instinctively, I grip his hair in my hands in an attempt to steady myself.

"Ow, Averie!"


I let go of my death grip on his hair and run my fingers through it. "Sorry, that was unexpected."

He scoffs, "What part of 3, 2, 1 was unexpected?"

"Oh hush, you pull my hair just as hard all the time. This is just payback, bitch."

Spencer cranes his neck upwards and I stare down at him from where I'm sitting on his shoulders.

His eyes narrow to slits, "Did you just bitch me?"

My eyebrows raise, poking my finger into his forehead. "What are you going to do about it?"

His shoulders shrug and his arms that are wrapped around my legs loosen. "I could drop you."

I gasp and cling to his hair again. "Don't you dare!"

If I go down, he's coming with me.

He ushers the last stack of books into my hands. "Put these up and stop grabbing my head."

I snicker, "Someone's touchy today."

"I don't think I'm going to have any hair left after this," He mumbles.

"Aww, poor baby." I fake coo, leaning down and pressing my lips to his.

"You're lucky I love you," He grumbles and I stick my tongue out at him.

The wall in our living room lined with built in bookshelves is almost full, but I needed extra height to reach the top ones. Hence why I'm now on Spencer's shoulders, struggling to fit the last of his books in.

"I can't reach, move a little to the left." Spencer does as I say, moving over, but I still can't reach it. "A little more."

Stretching my arms, I'm finally able to slot the books into place. But from where Spencer is, he can't see it.

So naturally, I decide to mess with him.

"To the left." Following my command, he moves to that left. "Right." He shuffles over again, and I have to will myself not to let out a laugh. "Left," I say and he huffs before he moves over. I know I can get him to do it again. "Righ—"

"For fuck—" He hums, cutting himself off. "Can you just put them in already?"

"It is," I giggle. "But I like that little dance you were doing."

In one quick movement he twists me down and off his shoulders, catching me in his arms.

I gasp, clinging to him. "Where did you learn that?"

He offers me nothing but a wink, kissing my lips before he places me back down on my feet.

My parents stayed with us for a few days before flying home, so we were able to get everything unpacked and organised with their help.

But finally, now that those book are put away, everything is done. The whole house is finished and it really feels like it's our home.

Fire place is lit, there's a soft, quiet music playlist sounding through the speakers which Derek gifted us as a housewarming present, and the house smells of cinnamon from the freshly baked cookies my mom made earlier before we dropped my family to the airport.

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