Tell that to your boner

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

The sound of the shower door opening causes me to stop my movements midway through rinsing my conditioner out.

"Don't even think about it."

I turn around to see Spencer frozen in place at my threat, one foot already in the shower.

The only sound in the room is the water hitting my skin as Spencer slowly starts inching himself further into the shower.

"Hands to yourself," I point my index finger into his chest. "Or I'm going to be late."

"I don't know what you're talking about," He says, showcasing his best innocent face as he closes the door behind him. "I have to shower for work too."

He technically could still be in bed, which is exactly where I left him five minutes ago.

Although whenever my alarm goes off, he always conveniently says he can't go back to sleep, leaving him sneaking into the shower with me becoming a daily routine.

Morning shower sex is great, until you're almost late for work five mornings in a row.

"You don't have work for another two hours."

He smirks, "Then I'm trying to save water."

I put my head back under the water, eyeing him suspiciously as I rinse the rest of my conditioner out.

"And it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm naked?"

His eyes rake up and down my body, pursing his lips. "Nope."

When his wandering eyes still don't meet mine, I let out a laugh. "You're a perv."

"Am not."

"Tell that to your boner."

His mouth drops open, looking down as if he didn't even realise it was there. He points an accusing finger at me, "You're the one in my shower."

"You're the one that begged me to stay over."

Ive always heard it's normal to not be able to keep your hands off each other in the start of a relationship, but I really didn't believe it until now.

Since we came back from the cabin two weeks ago, I seriously don't think we've left our apartments for anything other than work.

I can safely say there is not an inch in both of our apartments we have not attempted to have sex on.

I say attempted because let me tell you, having sex on Spencer's swivelling desk chair was not one of our brightest ideas.

Long story short, we ended up half sideways, half upside down on the floor.

We may or may not have matching bruises to prove our stupidity, but at least we both got a good laugh out of it.

My eyes narrow when he shuffles closer, nearly face to face with me. Seeing my expression he raises his hands in defence, "I'm just reaching for the shampoo."

"You're trying to rub up on me," I laugh, pointing my finger to the wall on the opposite side. "And shampoos over there."

He scoffs turning around and grabbing it, "I knew that."

I turn away from him, giving my face one last rinse under the water.

He groans from behind me, "This view is really not helping with my situation."

I graze my ass over his crotch as I open the shower door, "Sounds like a problem for your right hand."

Closing the door behind me I wrap a fluffy white towel around myself. I pick up my toothbrush and the toothpaste, noticing it's almost empty.

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