You have that look in your eyes...

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

Three slow drawn out thuds sound throughout my apartment waking me from my sleep.

"Why are you banging?" I groan, shoving my face further into the pillow.

"That's not me," Spencers groggy morning voice calls out from behind me, his hands flattening against my stomach and pulling me closer to his chest.

I open my eyes and wiggle out of his grip, ignoring his whines of protest. That wasn't him banging?

When three more bangs ring out, it's only now my morning brain realises that it's someone knocking on my door. I look over at the clock on my nightstand and whine, 7:03am on a Saturday.

Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away.

Nope, sure enough there are three more loud knocks at the door.

"This better be important." I huff, leaving the warmth of my bed and Spencers arms.

Yawning as I swing open the door I'm met with an young man with glasses, a cap and a delivery uniform. He has a clipboard in one hand and a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the other.

"Averie Brooks?"

I rub my tired eyes, "That's me."

"These are for you," He says as he hands me the bouquet. "Sign here please."

I sign my name before thanking him and closing the door. When I look around, Spencer is standing in the doorway in just his boxers and his messy morning hair, parted in all different directions.

I could wake up to that every morning, which I practically have been. He hasn't been able to go away on any cases the past few weeks while he was recovering from his injury.

All of the bandages are now gone, just leaving behind a small scar which I was sure to tell him made him look even sexier.

"Who are those from?" His low and raspy voice questions, squinting his eyes slightly from the harsh morning light flooding the apartment.

"I don't know," I reply honestly, setting them down on the kitchen counter.

I admire all the different colours, there are red roses, my favourite, surrounding the outside while the inside is filled with purple hydrangeas, pink peonies and yellow irises.

"Is there a card?"

I furrow my brows and look through the bouquet and eventually find a small white card, flipping it over and reading.

Shit, I completely forgot.

I smile as I read the note nonetheless, but when I look up I see a very confused Spencer waiting for me to continue.

I clear my throat and start, "Happy 25th birthday Averie. Wish we could spend today with you. Love and miss you every day - mom, dad and Liam."

His eyes widen. "Today's your birthday?"

I nod, to be honest I forgot about it and considering he almost died a few weeks ago, I think I can let my birthday slide.

"Fuck, Aves." He scrubs a hand down his face before running it through his hair. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I shrug, pulling out a vase and filling it with water. "Its not a big deal."

"Yes, it is a big deal." He deadpans. "It's your birthday."

"It's really not," I sigh. "Can we go back to bed now?" I pout, giving him my best puppy dog eyes, knowing it works every time. "It's to early to be awake in a Saturday."

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