Yeah, you better waddle away!

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

Averie groans, tossing and turning in the bed beside me. I drape my arm around her when a sleepy, questioning sound falls from my lips.

"Spencer, your child is kicking me and I can't sleep."

I hide my smile by pushing my face further into the pillow, still not opening my eyes. "My child?"

"You put the damn thing in there!"

I gasp, reaching over and placing my hands on the bump. "Don't use that foul language around my child."

She grins. "Tell it to stop kicking me then."

I sigh, I guess I'm already the bad cop in the parenting situation. Ironic. "Please let your mommy sleep and stop kicking her," I murmur against her stomach and Averie giggles, letting her head roll back onto the pillow when I place kisses all over the bump. We both laugh when the baby kicks back from where I just pressed my lips.

I yawn, rubbing at my eyes. "What time is it?"

She reaches for her phone on the nightstand, rolling her eyes. "The alarm is going to go off in a few minutes."

"Then I get a few extra minutes to kiss you."

My palm cups Averie's chin when I tilt her face from side to side, showering her with kisses. My lips make contact with every inch of her face while little laughs leave her lips.

"Spencer.." She whines, trying to catch my lips.

I'm purposely avoiding her mouth at this point, "Hm?"

Her arms cross over her chest, looking at me with the cutest little scowl on her face, puckering her lips at me.

"This?" I tease, finally kissing her lips and she makes a hum of approval. I tut disapprovingly before finally placing my lips on hers.  "You could have just said something."

Averie's lips curve into a smile against my mouth, and it's over before it even really starts because our extra few minutes is so rudely interrupted by the sound of our alarm.

I mumble ignore it against her lips.

"It takes me like ten extra minutes to get dressed these days," Averie says, tapping against my chest when she finally tears her lips from mine. "I have to get up now."

My back sinks into the mattress while I watch her walk towards our bedroom window, opening up the curtains and peeking through the blinds.

Her eyes are filled with excitement when she turns back to me. "It snowed last night!"

I throw the blankets off my body and make my way over to her. I wrap my arms around her, dipping my head to look out the window.

Very rarely does it snow in November in DC, but when my eyes fall to our street, it's covered in a blanket of still falling snow. This means winter has officially started and now I know how I'm spending my morning.

I make my way to the closet and quickly throw on my work clothes. Leaving Averie in the bedroom, I head downstairs and throw on my jacket and shoes before grabbing the snow shovel from the garage.

Ten minutes later our driveway is clear and the snow is swept off both of our cars. I start my car, turning on the heat so it's warmed up by the time she's ready to go.

When I make it back inside, Averie is dressed for work and down in the kitchen.

"You're taking my car today," I say, placing my keys down on the table. "Your tyres look a little bald. I don't want you driving it in this weather."

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