Eyes on the road, Reid

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

My head is thrown back against the headrest of the car, wide open road ahead while we drive down the I-95.

The music is blasting through the speakers, Spencer and I laughing as we sing horribly along to the lyrics.

We've been on the road now for about two hours with still no real destination in mind.

After everything that's happened this past week, I think we need this. We need to just get away from everything and spend some time together, just us enjoying each other.

And Spencer's driving, of course. Sunglasses hung low on the bridge of his nose, eyes flicking between me and the road, sleeves of his shirt rolled up his arms and his hand resting on my inner thigh.

Spencer reaches forward, turning the volume down on the dial. "What are you thinking about?"

My fingers are threaded through his soft curls, grinning while I stare at him. "You," I say with no hesitation. "I don't think I'll ever be able to describe how happy you make me."

Spencer's gaze stays on the road but he puckers his lips in my direction. I kiss his lips a few times before I settle back into my seat, and when Spencer opens his mouth to say something, I cut him off before he gets a chance.

"I love you but if you make me cry again I will hit you."

"Okay," He snorts. "That's dramatic."

"Spencer," I deadpan. "I've cried so much in the past week, I think I might be severely dehydrated."

"Well, drink some water my love because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. My soulmate, the love of my life- ow!"

He winces when I smack him in the chest, discreetly wiping under my eyes.

"I warned you."


"If I went missing for ten years and you got married to someone else, if I came back would you leave her for me?"

Spencer's appalled eyes meet mine and his mouth drops open. "What kind of question is that?"

I shake my head, "Just answer."

"It's a trick," He grins. "I wouldn't marry anyone else."

"You're too smart for your own good," I sigh dramatically, shifting in my seat to face him. "What's your funniest drunk memory?"

Spencer chuckles, leaning back in his seat. "I puked on Derek once."

My mouth drops open and I blink. "You did not."

"Mhm," He nods, a grin spreading across his face. "It's his own fault. One of the first times I went out to the bar with the team he practically poured a whole bottle of whiskey down my throat."

My head falls back with a laugh, hands clapping together. "I would have payed to see that."

"No you wouldn't," He winces. "It was not pretty."

I've been asking Spencer random questions because I can't get my mind off what happened a few minutes ago. We stopped at a gas station a couple miles back and Spencer helped a little three year old girl reach for something on a high shelf and my ovaries quite literally exploded at the thought of him with our kids and I seriously think I have baby fever now.

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