That was too cheesy for six a.m

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"I get it now."

Turning my head I look back to where Spencer has frozen in place on the front porch of my childhood home. Behind him there is a blanket of snow covering the front yard, the other houses on the street all lit up with colourful Christmas lights contrasting the dark evening.

Our flight from Vegas landed about an hour ago. And unfortunately for us, it didn't pass a quick as we would have liked. We had a not so pleasant reminder when we were seated next to a screaming baby the entire time, the reminder being get on birth control.

But the whole drive here from the airport I could tell he was nervous. He didn't say anything, but he straightened his tie probably one hundred times before we even got out of the car.

"Get what?" I ask, taking a step closer to him.

"How scared you were to meet my mom." He gulps, fingers twitching nervously. "I understand now."

"I'm going to say this because I mean it," I place my hands on his jaw, titling his head down to mine. "They are going to love you."

"You have to say that." He mumbles.

"Was I not just speaking English?" I laugh placing my hands on his shoulders. "I'm serious spence, don't be nervous."

"I'm trying." He sighs, wrapping his hands around my waist. "I've never met a girlfriends parents before."

"Just don't look them in the eyes." 

"What?" His face pales. "Why?"

"They can sense fear."

My attempt to lighten the mood seems to calm him down and some of the tension behind his eyes lift. He finally seems to relax, the corners of his mouth quirking up.

His head falls back with a low breath. "I hate you."

"Yeah, yeah." I lean up on my tippy toes and press a sweet kiss to his lips. "My mom is going to tell you all the embarrassing things I did when I was younger, so if she tells you about my emo phase when I was in middle school, no she didn't."

He nods. "Got it."

"You could probably talk to my dad about anything, he's going to love all the random facts you know."


"And well," I shrug. "Liam's fifteen, if you play a round of video games with him, that will win him over." I dust the snow off his shoulders, "Ready?"

"One second." He wraps his arms tighter around me, burying his face in my neck as he holds me. I run my fingers through his hair while we stay like that for a minute.

He pulls back, releasing a breath. "Ready."

Stepping in the front door we're instantly greeted by the warmth of the house and the familiar smell of my moms cooking wafting through the air.

The door opens straight into the open plan living room where I catch sight of my dad sitting on the couch focused on the tv and my mom over by the window, immediately straightening when she sees us.

"What are you doing?" I laugh at the guilty look plastered across her face.

"She was spying on you." My dad deadpans, getting up and making his way over to us. "We heard the car pull up."

She gasps dramatically, swatting his shoulder. "I was not."

My dad juts his thumb towards her. "You're mother's been glued to the window the past ten minutes."

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