What's on your crotch?

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

"Thank fuck."

I let out a sigh of relief when I reach my car in the BAU parking lot.

I did it.

I have successfully avoided making eye contact with Emily all week.

Which wasn't easy, especially when I was paired with her on the most recent case we worked. While I was avoiding her eyes, I made very good use of my time counting every single tree on the drive to and from the police station to the morgue.

One hundred and twenty seven, in case you were wondering.

But I have a feeling that once we're out of the work setting at Rossi's team dinner tonight, she's going to corner me.

I begin the drive to Averie's work knowing it should be her lunch break soon. I might not get to see her for long, but any time is worth it considering I've been away for four days.

Averie going out tonight means I don't have to explain to her why I'm not inviting her to yet again another team dinner.

I'll tell her soon.

I need to tell her soon.


"Einstein," Mia nods her head in greeting when I walk up to the front desk. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

The first time I attended one of her and Averie's 'wine nights' as they like to call it, she caught on to that nickname and hasn't given it up since.

"Happy birthday," I smile.

"You came all the way here to wish me happy birthday?" She swoons, clutching her hand to her chest. "You shouldn't have."

"You wish," I snort. "Is Averie on break yet?"

As if on queue, Averie comes strolling around the corner. "Thank god," She throws her head back at the sight of us. "Sane people."

"I wouldn't say Spencer's sane," I shoot Mia a glare and she throws her hands up. "But what happened?"

Averie comes to a stop beside me, leaning into my side. "I just had to wrestle a Kit Kat out of a grown mans hands."

Confusion crosses my face as I wrap my arm around her waist. "Why?"

"He's supposed to be fasting for surgery," She explains. "One hour, he's been fasting for one hour." She throws the candy bar into Mia's hands. "Go nuts."

"This is what you got me for my birthday? A stolen Kit Kat?"

Averie raises an eyebrow. "Your drinks are on me tonight."

Mia grins. "Have I told you I love you?"

"Yeah, yeah," Averie waves her off, turning her attention to me when I hold up a bag of food.
"I'm starving," She groans. "You're the best."

I lean down, pressing my lips to her's. "Hi."

"Hi," Her lips curve into a smile. "I missed you."

"Get a room."

We both choose to ignore her. I also learned at said 'wine night' that people in a happy relationship quote 'scare her'.

"Eat with me?" Averie asks.

I trace circles in her hip with my thumb. "I have to go do some paperwork, but I'll stop by yours when you're done work?"

"It's girls night," Mia chimes in, pointing an accusing finger at me. "You're not coming."

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