Stop watching me you weirdo

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

Remember when I said I love being pregnant? I wholeheartedly take back my statement.

I'm four days past my due date now and I think I might go crazy if this baby doesn't come out soon.

In an attempt to speed things up, my doctor recommended for me to get one of those giant exercise balls to use, so that's exactly what I did.

Walking into the living room, I can see the back of Spencer's head from where he's sitting on the couch so naturally, I aim and bounce the exercise ball off his head. 

He whips around to face me, laughing when he brings his hand to the back of his head. "What the fuck?"

I shrug. "You were asking for it."

He straightens, throwing his hands up. "How? I'm literally just sitting here!"

I shrug again, using my grip on the edge of the couch so I don't fall while I lower myself to sit on the ball. Spencer snickers, covering his mouth with his hand.

I roll my eyes, starting to do what the doctor recommended. Supposedly the movement encourages the pelvic floor to contract and relax naturally and the gentle bouncing also allows the spine to decompress, making a little more space between the vertebrae, which can relieve tension in my lower back. Exciting, exciting stuff.

My parents, brother and Spencer's mom were all meant to be here by now but we ended up changing the dates of their flights by a few days because they were coming to meet the baby, and with no baby here yet we would all just be sitting around, playing the waiting game together.

But still, every day I wake up to text messages from my mom and Spencer's mom who are eagerly waiting for me to go into labour, ready to pack up and leave the second there is any sign of the baby.

But no, so far nothing.

The doctor told me to just make myself comfortable and that the baby will come when the baby is ready, but I guess I'm getting a little impatient. As much as I don't want to be pregnant anymore, I want to just hold the baby in my arms more.

We have our hospital bag packed and the car seat installed in the car, but the damn thing just doesn't want to budge. Spencer likes to say it's because I've made the baby a very comfortable home the last nine months, but I'm starting to think that the baby already has some of my stubbornness. Great.

Spencer is just watching me while I slowly start to rotate my hips. He has that look in his eyes, one I know too well. Unfortunately for him, that horny stage I went through is long passed.

"Stop watching me you weirdo."

He thinks he's so slick, slowly inching himself closer to me. "Can't I just appreciate the view?"

I feel like a beached whale and I honestly don't know how he could be attracted to me right now. This man literally just watched me use a breast pump twenty minutes ago and now he's looking at me like the first time I wore lingerie for him.

"If your dick comes anywhere near me I will cut it off."

Spencer doesn't even look taken back by my sudden threat, still shamelessly gawking while I continue the gentle bouncing on the ball. Speaking of, that also reminds me of something I was meant to talk to him about.

"You know we can't have sex for at least six weeks after I give birth, right?"

Spencer blinks at me, mouth opening and closing a couple times. "You're joking."

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