A picture would last longer

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

Cliche, but thank god it's Friday.

I get home from work around 7pm, flopping onto my couch after my 12 hour shift. Aimlessly scrolling through my phone, not even listening as the tv plays in the background.

Noticing Spencer hasn't texted me back since this morning, I sigh. I haven't seen him since our date got cut short a few days ago, but we talk on the phone every night.

This morning he texted that they might be close to closing the case, but nothing since. I just hope I can see him at some point this weekend.

So at 9pm, I've accepted the fact that he won't be back and I would be spending the evening alone.

Which I didn't mind, it's not like I'd been alone all week. Mia has been over a few times and we had movie and wine nights, definitely my favourite thing we do when we hang out.

We get tipsy and talk about how many shots we would have to do before we would hook up with all the actors in the movie.

A great use of our spare time if you ask me.

My date with Spencer this week was perfect. He clearly put a lot of thought into what I would like and what we would enjoy together. And I have to give it to him, he got it spot on.

But sadly it got cut short again when he got called away on a case.

But as frustrating as it is in the moment, the thought that he is away working to save lives, makes it worth it. I love what he does, saving people. It's what makes him, him.

I know he gets frustrated too, especially last time when we were getting all hot and bothered right there on his living room floor.

But I can see it in the way he talks about his job, he loves what he does.

Although, when we talked on the phone the past few nights, I can hear how it effects him, when he can't figure out who's doing all these horrible things.

I couldn't imagine doing that for a living. I'm sure he's seen some pretty gruesome scenes. Growing up loving crime documentaries is one thing, but seeing it in person is another.

Realising Mia was the unfortunate one this week who had to work the double shift, l set my plan in motion. Shower, takeout, wine and a movie.

I would definitely rather hang out with someone tonight, but the two people I hang out with are working.

After spending way to long in the shower, I wrapped the towel around myself and made my way to the bedroom.

Aiming to be as comfortable as I can, I pulled out a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top, opting to go braless, because if you say you find bra's comfortable, you're lying.

I ran a brush threw my wet hair and decided to leave it to air dry. Just when I walked out of my bedroom my phone rang on the kitchen counter. I got excited when I saw it was Spencer calling, hopefully I can see him tomorrow.

"Hey, how's the case going?" I smile, even though he can't see me.

"Better question, are you home?" He hinted.

Oh no. He's not, is he?

"Yes, why?" I said suspiciously, looking over my shoulder for some reason expecting him to be there.

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