They're fucking, right?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"Decaf, please."

I smile and thank the barista who hands me my cup of coffee, passing her over some cash.

I know I used to make fun of Spencer for how much sugar he puts in his coffee, but this pregnancy has given me such a sweet tooth that I understand how sweet he likes his now.

I add a couple packets of sugar and some cream to my coffee before I leave the cafe and head back towards my car. My doctor said it was okay to drink decaf coffee in moderation, so I've limited myself to one cup a week.

Going from three cups a day to one a week has been so hard, so I drink and savour my weekly treat while I make the drive over to my best friends house.

I've just finished my cup when I pull into the drive way, turning off the car and grabbing my things.

Mia and Alex are the last people Spencer and I need to tell about the pregnancy, and I already have exactly how I want to do it planned. So in order to stick to the plan, I grab Spencer's large hoodie from the passenger seat, throwing it on to hide my bump.

The morning I woke up and saw the bump was so surreal. I stared at it all day and the look of pure happiness and love on Spencer's face when I showed him was priceless. I can't say it doesn't feel weird having the bump growing day by day, but weird in the best way possible.

I make my way to the front door, knocking twice and waiting for an answer.

I try to hide my gasp and force a smile onto my face when I'm greeted by my best friend when she opens the door. She looks like she's really been going through it. Her hair doesn't look like it's been brushed since Ava was born, there's about twenty different stains on her clothes and the bags underneath her eyes would really give Spencer's a run for their money.

Mia laughs, opening the door and ushering me inside. "It's a jump scare, I know."

"Pfft—no. You look great."

"Averie," She deadpans, gesturing down to herself. "I haven't slept in weeks. I'm covered in spit up and baby vomit," She visibly shivers, shallowing harshly. "And some other things I really don't want to talk about."

Alex comes walking into the living room with the baby in his hands, and I can't say he looks much better.

"It's a good thing I'm here," I smile, taking the baby into my arms and cradling her to my chest. "Now you'll have a few hours to yourselves."

The only reason I haven't told them I'm pregnant yet is because they were in their baby bubble and I was so happy for them and wanted to give them their moment. But I think that bubble was officially popped when Mia called me this morning, sleep deprived and frantic, finally taking me up on my countless babysitting offers.

"You are a life saver," Alex sighs when he passes me, tapping his hand to my shoulder. "I'll set the car seat up in your car."

I dip my head and press my lips to Ava's cheek and she smiles up at me. "Are you ready for a girls day?" I grin, tapping my finger to her nose and she lets out the cutest little coo.

"Don't be fooled by that smile," Mia narrows her eyes, kissing Ava's forehead. "That is her third outfit change today and it's only nine a.m."

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