I'm trying to protect you?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

Have you ever been stared at with a mix of confusion, disbelief and what looks almost like pride?

Because I have, right now.

Contemplating what to say, I adjust the shirt over my thighs, extremely great full that Spencer's clothes are sizes too big on me. Finally, I settle on jutting my thumb over my shoulder. "He's in the bathroom."

Considering Spencer reckoned he forgot his phone at the office, and this man has it in his hands, it's safe to say this is definitely someone he works with.

Maybe this is someone on his team, and despite the fact that this is not the way I imagined meeting his friends for the first time, I'm really happy to finally meet one. 

"I'm Derek," He smirks when he extends his hand. "And you must be.."

"Averie," I finish for him when his voice trails off.

My eyes float down to his outstretched hand, "I'd love to but.." When I think back to what my hand was wrapped around a mere hour ago, I wince meeting his eyes. "Probably shouldn't."

"Good call." He snorts, dropping his hand. "I'm guessing a hug is out of the question too?"

This shirt could ride up at any second and given my appearance, he knows it too. I bite the inside of my cheek, "Definitely."

"Eyes above the shoulders," He nods tilting his chin back. "Got it."

"Man," Derek chuckles. "Where did the kid find a pretty lady like you?"


He bites back a laugh, "Yeah?"

"He got a good deal," I shrug. "Free shipping."

"Babe," Spencer's voice travels through the apartment as he makes his way into the living room. "Do you want to shower before or after we ea-" He stops dead a few feet away from me, brows forming into a crease. "Who's at the door?"

I open the door wider, bringing Derek's smug grin into view as he leans one shoulder against the door frame.

Spencer's face pales, throat bobbing when he swallows harshly. I can't read the expression on his face, it's one I've never seen before but it's like a bucket of ice cold water has been thrown over the friendly atmosphere.

This isn't what I would have expected by someone from his team, who he calls his family, showing up to his apartment. I would have expected him to smile, introduce me and ask his friend to come in.

What I don't anticipate is the way his body goes ridged. He stalks towards us, coming to a stop in front of me, creating a barrier between me and Derek. I frown when I reach out to put my hand on his back and he tenses under my touch.

Derek throws the phone into Spencer's hands. "You forgot this on your desk earlier."

Spencer's jaw clenches. "It could have waited until Monday."

Derek's eyebrows raise as he holds his hands up. "Excuse me for thinking I was doing a nice thing."

"Hey," Spencer drops his voice when he looks over his shoulder at me, his pleading eyes darting to the bedroom. "Can you give us a second?"


My stomach plunges and I retract my hand from his back. I turn on my feet and trail off to the bedroom, trying my hardest to mask the confusion across my face.

"Pants next time?" Derek leans on his tippy toes over Spencer, wiggling his fingers at me. "I want to give you a proper—" I can't see the look Spencer throws him, but Derek quickly bites his tongue.

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