Why are you so smiley?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

It's been a long four weeks.

Most of it has been spent hunched over the toilet or in bed because I'm always so exhausted, but today, for the first time in over a month, I'm not nauseous and actually feel good. Progress, I guess.

I'm practically beaming when I open the bullpen doors, walking into the BAU. I can already see Spencer, Derek, Emily and JJ huddled at their desk's, talking and laughing with each other.

"Shouldn't you guys be working?" I tease as I approach, all of their heads turning at the sound of my voice.

"Well, well, well." Derek chuckles, pulling me into his arms. "If it isn't the mystery woman herself."

I wince, giving Emily and JJ a hug in greeting as well. "I'm sorry, work has been chaotic lately."

Derek clutches his hand to his chest, raising a teasing eyebrow. "And here I was starting to think you didn't like us anymore."

"I'd have to like you to begin with, so we're good on that front," I muse.

When Derek rolls his eyes at me I laugh, kissing Spencer's lips in greeting and sitting down on his knee.

The truth is, I've been avoiding the team since Spencer and I got back from our honeymoon. We've been home for nearly a month now and every time they ask me to hang out, I'm conveniently called into work. It's not because I don't want to see them, it's that I don't think I can lie to a bunch of profilers.

Spencer and I agreed not to tell anyone about the pregnancy until after the twelve week mark and the risk period is over, and I know if I was around them, they would see straight through me. Luckily, Mia has already started her maternity leave, so it's been pretty easy to hide it at my work.

But the team? Not so much. I can't drink at the bar, I can't eat at most of the places they want to go to dinner because this baby is making me have so many food aversions. I've been basically living off crackers and toast to help with the nausea.

But I am officially, to be confirmed later today, seven weeks pregnant.

"Why are you so smiley?"

Our first ultrasound is today, and we're finally going to be able to see the baby, so yeah, I'm pretty happy about it.

I raise an eyebrow at Emily's question. "Can't a girl just be happy?"

"You're married to Reid," She narrows her eyes. "How happy can you really be?"

Spencer throws his pen in her direction, "That was uncalled for," He pouts while we all laugh. "I'm great!"

I may be laughing, but Spencer's right, he is amazing. He hasn't let me lift a finger since we found out that I'm pregnant. If I'm sick, he sits with me. He's so patient with me when I have mood swings, happy to crying in a matter of seconds. If I'm craving something, it doesn't matter if it's in the middle of the night, he's already going out to get it. And he's so understanding when by the time he's back, the craving has passed. He's even switched from his normal genre of books to pregnancy books, reading them to me every night before we go to sleep.

I reach for Spencer's mug of coffee on his desk, barely putting it to my lips before he slips it from my hand, placing it back down.

"Hey," I pout. "What was that for?"

"Yeah, Reid." Emily's teases. "Didn't take you for the controlling type."

"I'm not— no," He shakes his head, casting me a quick look. "Averie is trying to cut down on caffeine, remember?"

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