He said we was going to marry me

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

*The day Spencer went to Vegas*

"Spencer, you're going to miss your flight."

"Shh, this is some of my best work."

I can't stop giggling, watching his tongue poke out of the corner of his mouth in concentration while he wraps me up like a burrito in the comforter, making sure all of the corners are tucked in and I can't even move my arms.

"There," He stands back to examine his work, nodding his head. "Done."

"Done?" I laugh, trying to wiggle free with no luck. "What am I meant to do all day like this?"

He smirks, plopping himself down on top of me. "Lie here and look pretty until I get back."

I turn my head when he tries to capture my lips, giggling as he chases them and plants sloppy kisses on my cheeks.

"Fine," His eyebrows raise when I don't let up. "Don't kiss me. I won't bring you back anything from Vegas."

My face lights up and I pucker my lips at him, "What are you going to bring me back?"

He dips his head, ghosting his lips over mine. "I can't tell you that."

I lift my head and touch my lips to his. "You going to surprise me?"

"Mhm," Spencer smiles into the kiss, soft lips pressing to mine repeatedly. "I'm going to surprise you."

A message tone from Spencer's phone cuts through the air but both of us ignore it, too caught up in each other.

"Why won't you let me drive you to the airport?" I mumble against his lips, already knowing that notification is the Uber he ordered.

"Because it's your day off work," He pulls my bottom lip between his teeth. "You should relax. Just know I wouldn't be opposed to you being naked when I get back."

I laugh, attempting to wiggle around in the comforter. "I'm going to be still like this if you don't unwrap me."

He pulls the corners from under me and I twirl and bounce against the mattress, finally free from the restraint. I follow him out to the door, watching as he grabs his bag and we say our goodbyes.

After he leaves, I go to the kitchen and pour a mug of coffee, brows creasing when I hear the front door open again.

Spencer appears around the corner a second later. "I forgot something."


He hooks his finger underneath my chin, angling my mouth to his. "This," He whispers.

He kisses me in the most loving way, gently moving his lips against mine and I melt into him. Until I feel a harsh smack and grab on my ass, the sound echoing throughout the room.


He grins, shooting me a wink before he heads towards the door again, "I needed one more for the road."

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