You're not the pizza guy

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

I stir in my sleep when I feel the bed dip behind me, feeling Spencer's hands slide underneath the covers, around my waist and tug me into his chest.

I turn in his hold, seeking comfort in the familiar scent of his cologne when I curl into his arms. "You're back," I whisper, blinking away sleep.

He hums as he buries his face in my neck. "I'll never get tired of coming home to you in my bed."

Spencer got called away on a case a couple of hours after our flight got in from visiting my family. His team and him luckily got it wrapped up pretty quickly, so he called me earlier to let me know he would be home to spend New Year's Eve with me.

"Im sorry," I murmur through a yawn, looking over at the nightstand to see it's already almost 11. "I was trying to stay awake for you." I tried, I swear I tried not to fall asleep but Spencer's bed is just to comfortable.

"It's okay," He kisses my cheek. "We can just go to sleep if you're tired."

"No," I mumble into his chest. "We have to stay up until at least midnight."

I giggle as he starts to pepper my neck with fluttery kisses. His lips curve into a smirk against my skin. "Then I have some ideas on how to spend our time."

"Can we order food too?" I ask, already knowing whatever his ideas are is going to make us work up an appetite.

Spencer nods, reaching over for his bag off the bedroom floor. He opens it beginning to search around inside. "Where's your phone?" He sighs after a few seconds of no luck. "I think I left mine in the office."

I pick my phone up off the night stand, placing it in his hands and listen as he calls our favorite pizza place to order for delivery.

"So.." I curl my hand around his arm, dragging him to hover over me. "Those ideas?"

"Mhm," Spencer grips the edge of my shirt, pulling it off over my head, a pleased grin on his lips when he finds I'm not wearing anything else. My hair is splayed across the pillow when he lowers his head, sucking my nipple into his mouth. "Im going to fuck you into the New Year."

I arch into him, hands threading through his soft curls when his teeth graze the hardened bud, fingers rolling and twisting the other. 

"But first.." His lips travel a path down my stomach, stopping at my navel when he lifts his eyes to mine. "You're going to sit that pretty pussy on my face."

I try to snap my legs shut in an attempt to halt the dull ache building between my thighs. Spencer's hands are quick to settle on my knees, holding them open when he ducks his head. "Come on." His teeth nip at the skin on my hip. "Don't get all shy on me now."

I hesitate. "What if I—"

"You won't."

I'm glad he has faith that I won't smother him completely, because I don't. I don't think I could ever look his mom in the eye again if I had to tell her I caused his death by my vagina.

Spencer's eyes soften at my apprehension, scooting so he's lying flat on the bed. "Come on," He encourages, tapping his fingers against my leg lightly. "Get up."

I swing my leg across his body, shifting up until I'm in line with his face. My hands curl around the headboard to steady myself as I hesitantly lower myself towards Spencer's mouth. I halt about an inch from his face, still unsure. That seeming not to be enough, his eyes meet mine and he hooks his arms around about my thighs, fingers digging into my skin when he pulls me down flush against his face.

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