Shut up and drive, pretty boy

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V


Soft lips brush against the side of my neck and I stir awake, heavy eyes opening to see my fiancée's smiling face beaming down at me.

The morning sun is shining through the windows causing a warm orange glow across her naked body. I run my fingertips up her thighs from where she's straddling my hips, gripping at her waist to pull her down until her chest is flush against mine.

"Good morning, beautiful."

I kept my promise to her that I would be back in time for our wedding, meaning the team and I solved the case in only four days. And I somehow convinced Hotch that we should fly home through the night so I could be here this morning.

Getting back at 4am with barely any sleep is completely worth it for the way she's looking at me right now.

She grazes her fingers across my jaw, pressing her lips to the tip of my nose. "You get to marry me tomorrow."

I wince, "Is this a bad time to tell you that I'm busy?"

"Oh yeah?" She taunts, sitting back on my hips and raising a teasing eyebrow. "What's more important that you're busy?"

I suck in a breath, siting up and kissing the corner of her mouth, across her jaw and down her neck. "I have this book that's been sitting on the shelf for so long, I think it deserves my attention."

Averie's head rolls to the side to give me better access. She threads her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck, tugging until my eyes meet her's. "Think you can manage to peel yourself away from it long enough to say I do?"

"Can I get back to you on that? It's a really good book."

Giggling when she shoves against my shoulder, I lean up and connect our lips. Her hands cradle my face as our mouths moves against each others, soft and slow.

"You know.." I say, breaking our lips apart and kissing down the side of her neck. "I'm really going to enjoy calling you my wife."

"Decided you can fit me into your busy schedule tomorrow?"

"For you?" I nip at her collarbone, gripping her hips. "I'd make anything happen."


"Put your pants on kid, we got shit to do."

Averie and I groan in union at the voices of Penelope and Derek booming from downstairs, our backs sinking into the mattress with a heavy sigh.

I drag my hands down my face when I yell, "Fuck off!"

"Don't make me come up there!"

My head turns on the pillow to meet Averie's eyes. "Remind me again why we gave them a key to our house?"

She purses her lips, "Safety."

"Regretting that now?"


Pressing another quick kiss to her lips I roll off the bed, searching through the dresser for some clothes. I throw a T-shirt and some sweatpants at Averie, pulling the same on myself.

We trail down the stairs a minute later, seeing Derek and Penelope already waiting for us in the kitchen.

Averie slaps her hand to the back of Derek's head when she passes him. "You are a fucking cockblock."

"Pre marital sex?" He gasps, taking a step back. "It's a good thing we got here when we did." 

I slap the back of his head as well for good measure.

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