Builds character

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

The first thing I notice when I wake up on the couch a few hours later is the lack of Averie's presence. Usually, whenever I wake up she's practically using me as her own personal mattress sprawled on top of me, curled into my chest. Well, normally I'm the one holding her there. Even when I'm asleep it's like I can't get her close enough.

But despite the fact she's covered me over with a throw blanket, I feel cold without her here. I rub my tired eyes, vaguely hearing her soft footsteps moving around the kitchen.

I lift the blanket, getting ready to get up when Averie's ring tone sounds throughout the apartment for the second time today.

She lets out a long, drawn out sigh.

I hear the faint sound of her feet dragging through the apartment, then the balcony door opens and slides shut.

I swing my legs over the edge of the couch, when I look over my shoulder towards the balcony, I see her. Sitting with her back to me, as she continues staring at her phone almost like contemplating whether or not to answer it.

The setting sun casts a golden glow across her bare legs, only clad in my favorite oversized T-shirt of her's. She drags her fingers through her hair, pushing it out of her face before she takes the call.

There's a pause after she brings the phone to her ear. "Yes, I accept the charges."

A collect call?

Was that the automated voice I heard earlier too?

She doesn't even let the person on the other end of the phone speak before she cuts them off. "Stop trying to call me Tommy."


She waits a few seconds before speaking again.

"Apologise?" She lets out a humourless laugh. "You're joking, right?"

She brings her knees to her chest, tugging at the roots of her hair as she listens into the phone. After about a minute or two, she scoffs. "Are you done?"

Another stretch of silence passes as she listens, scrubbing her hand down her face.

"You lost that right the second you-" She cuts herself off, taking a slow breath. Her voice is lower when she speaks again. "I don't even know why I'm entertaining this, don't call me again."

With a harsh press to the end call button, she places her phone down.

The conversation, even though I only got one side, wasn't for me to hear. Puzzled on what to do next, I shift on my feet, swallowing harshly as I contemplate my thoughts.

But my decision is make for me when a small broken sob echos through the glass. She drops her head to her knees, shoulders slightly shaking as my feet carry me to the door without a second thought.

Her head perks up at the sound of the balcony door, I see her discreetly trying to wipe the tears off her cheeks with the back of her hand as I approach.

She doesn't look and me, and I don't say anything. I just lift her from the chair, sitting down and placing her on my lap. Her back relaxes into my chest while I pull her closer.

But when I look down at her hands, they're shaking. I gently fold mine over hers, raising them to kiss the back of her palms.

My heart breaks in my chest when she finally looks over her shoulder at me. Her big brown eyes red and glassy, cheeks stained with tears as her bottom lip trembles.

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