Boo, you whore

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

"Yeah," I nod, holding the bullpen door open as JJ and I pass through. "On average kids ask about two hundred to three hundred questions a day."

"Henry's in that stage," She groans pressing the elevator button. "The other day he asked me why he has to eat three meals a day, and why one of them meals can't be rocks."

I hold back a laugh stepping into the elevator beside her, "Don't think I'm going to need to use that phone call to get him into Caltech."

"Definitely not," She chuckles as the door closes behind us. "So, thats what I'm in for this  weekend, how about you?" She asks. "Any plans?"

I hesitate.

Despite the whole team seeing Averie at the hospital a few weeks ago, JJ is the only person that I've actually admitted to that there's someone in my life.

When we finally got a minute to talk after I was recovered and back at work, she explained what actually happened that morning.

The team got there early to see if the doctor had cleared me yet, but when they got to my room they seen I wasn't even awake yet and neither was Averie, who was curled into my chest. Which explains why the team only saw the back of her head.

Much like I thought would happen, apparently Garcia and Derek were the first ones who wanted to rush into the room, already prepared to bombard us with questions.

But thankfully JJ stopped them before they could, ushering them out of the hospital for a few hours, encouraging them to wait until I was ready to tell them.

And what she said seamed to work, the team haven't been asking much questions since then. Which I'm grateful for, but I have a feeling that it's not going to last much longer.

There's only so long I can keep this up before it all blows up in my face.

I turn to her, "I have tickets to the Edgar Allen Poe shadow puppet theatre."

When I seen the tickets a few weeks ago I bought two without a second thought, excited to bring Averie.

"Nice," She grins. "Alone?"

I hesitate again, before a small smile stretches across my face. "No."

When the elevator dings, she turns to me before we step out, "I'm really happy for you, Spence."

But still, as we cross the parking lot towards our cars, she doesn't ask any questions and I don't offer any details.


I was only away on this case for four days, but the familiar sight of Averie's apartment has me letting out a sigh of relief.

I drop my bag inside the door, the key she gave me to her apartment still in hand.

"Get away from me."

I don't know what welcome I expected, but that definitely wasn't it.


Her muffled voice comes from under the Averie shaped blob on the couch, hidden by her comforter. "Yes?"

"Any particular reason you're telling me to leave before I've barely stepped in the door?"

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