Willpower? None

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"I need to ask you something and you have to be completely honest with me."

Spencer raises an eyebrow at the tone of my voice, slowing his pace down as we round the corner heading towards the entrance.

"Okay?" He draws out, although it's sound like more of a question.

"Are there really FBI agents looking through our webcams?"

It's a legitimate question I've been wondering for a while, surely he would know the answer.

Because if there is, mine has definitely seen some things.

I just really hope my FBI man isn't judging me for crying my eyes out while rewatching watching the vampire diaries for the fifth time.

He chuckles at my question, holding the door open for me. "Well-"


Our voices quickly fade out upon being greeted by the not so friendly shushing of the librarian the second we step in the door.

"Sorry," I wince in her direction, patting Spencer on the chest. "Just trying to figure out if this perv watches me through my webcam when I'm changing."

Considering the way her face pales, she does not appreciate my joke.

Spencer however, attempts to hold back his laughter by scrubbing a hand down his face.

I mouth an quick I'm sorry to her as narrows her eyes and points to the 'no talking' sign hung on the wall.

Perched behind the front desk, her glasses sit low on the bridge of her nose as she eyes us suspiciously while we cross the first floor towards the stairs.

The sound of her fingers tapping on the wooden desk echoes throughout the empty library, overpowering our rushed footsteps as we climb the stairs.

"Tough crowd," I mumble, my eyes flickering to Spencer's to find his still filled with amusement.

Ignoring the feeling of her eyes burning into the back of our heads, we reach the second floor, Spencer guiding me down the narrow aisles.

We come to a stop in the far right corner, tucked in between two shelves lined with books from floor to ceiling.

A lamp rests on a side table, illuminating a dull golden color upon the already calm and peaceful setting.

Spencer smiles. "This is it."

He mentioned to me once that he used to spend a lot of time here, huddled in this corner of the library where he could read uninterrupted for hours on end.

After being hold up in my apartment for far to long with the flu, I finally started feeling better tonight. So I wanted to go out, to go do anything at all.

Spencer likes to call me dramatic, but I genuinely think I was starting to go crazy staring at the same four walls for three whole days.

"I like it." I trace my fingers over the spines of some books, craning my neck up to see just how many there actually is. "Pick one for me."

I'm sure he's practically read every book here anyways, I can count on him for a good recommendation.

Spencer eyes roam the many shelves, his fingers twitching as he reads the titles at an inhumane speed.

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