Odds its yours?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

"Home sweet home."

A puff of air passes my lips at Spencer's comment, leaning my weight against him as we walk through arrivals in the airport. To say I'm happy to be back in DC is an understatement.

We had the most amazing eleven days in the Maldives but getting food poisoning from some questionable sushi really put a damper on the last three days.

I always get really needy when I'm sick, but this time it was extreme. I was that much of an emotional wreck I think Spencer is reevaluating his decision on marrying me.

For instance, our last day there I was too weak and tired to even get out of bed, So Spencer decided to get takeout from the restaurant in the resort and bring it back down to the room for us to eat. And when the door closed behind him, I started crying, actually crying. He was just down the hall and I was sobbing into my pillow because I missed him.

In conclusion, I am a mess.

Thankfully we drove to the airport so I let out a sigh of relief when we reach Spencer's car in the parking lot, so grateful that I don't have to sit in the back of an Uber right now.

Spencer opens my door for me, pushing the seat to lay the whole way back before he lets me climb in.

I pull my seatbelt around me while he gets in the drivers side. "Go to sleep," He says, starting the car. "I know you're tired."

After over eighteen hours of travelling, I'm out like a light before he even makes it on to the highway.


Turning over in my sleep, my eyes flutter open and I notice I'm not in the car anymore. Sitting up, I yawn and rub at my tired eyes, blinking away sleep when I see I'm already at home, in our bed.

My heart squeezes in my chest when I realise Spencer must have carried me inside. And changed me into comfy clothes because when I pull the blanket off, I'm in his sweatpants and my favorite Caltech sweatshirt. How I slept through that, I have no idea.

I can already see him when I make my way down the stairs, a book in his hands where he's sitting on the couch. His smile softens when I approach, setting the book down and opening his arms.

"How do you feel?"

"Okay," I mumble, crawling onto his lap and burying my head in his neck with a content sigh. "Missed you."

"I have soup on," Spencer says, running his hands up and down against my back. "Are you hungry?"

I feel so bad. He's been so great the past few days and I really appreciate it but the thought of soup right now is making my stomach turn. "Do we have any pickles?"

"I think so," He chuckles, pressing a small kiss to my shoulder. "Is that what you want?"

"Yeah," I sigh, that being one of the only things that sounds good to me right now. "And peanut butter."

I can practically hear the disgust in his voice but he still says, "Okay. Pickles and peanut butter, we should have both."

Funny, that's what Mia said I'd—

"Oh my god, I'm pregnant!"

Spencer pulls back, clear confusion on his face from my comment. His eyes drift to his hand that was subconsciously rubbing my stomach before it stills, mouth open and wide eyes when they lift to mine again, realising what I just did.

"Oh my god," He repeats when he blinks slowly, his jaw practically on the floor. "You're pregnant."

"Yes!" My heart is practically beating out of my chest. "Spencer, it's not food poisoning, it's morning sickness."

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