Sweet talking me to get laid?

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

I've been on a few boats before in my life but I've never experienced sea sickness until today, and I can assure you it's not fun.

It's early morning and after eighteen plus hours of travelling to the Maldives, we figured out that the resort Spencer booked was on another little island off the coast.

It's at least hundred degrees out, tropical views, crystal clear water with white sand beaches, all of which I would be really appreciating right now if I wasn't so nauseous.

"Are you okay?" I hear Spencer ask, the sound muffled by where my head is between my knees, stomach lurching as the boat moves.

I nod, picking my head up and resting it against his shoulder. The boat starts moving faster and I move my hands to cover my face when another wave of nausea runs through my body.

"Are you going to throw up?"

I part my fingers to look at him. "Please don't say that word."

Spencer winces, wrapping his arm around me and tugging me into his side. "Sorry."

I blow out a breath when the boat jolts again and Spencer rubs his hand in comforting circles on my back the whole way, and I finally feel like I can breathe again when the boat comes to a stop.

Spencer takes my hand and helps me step over the edge, thanking the driver and grabbing our suitcases.

"No fucking way."

My eyes are wide when I finally get a good look at where Spencer and I are staying for the next two weeks. Turquoise water of the Indian Ocean surrounds us, baby blue sky with not a cloud in sight, miles of horizon stretching as far as my eyes can see.

I'm so in a daze that I don't even realise that Spencer has gotten our keys and is pulling me with him down the wooden dock, coming to a stop at one of the villas right next to the water.

He unlocks the door and we walk into the spacious room, flooded with sunlight from the huge sliding glass doors on the back wall, opening straight out onto the beach. I'm speechless as we tour the place, finding the king sized bed which has Mr. & Mrs. Reid written in rose petals, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries.

Yeah, now I'm crying. For what reason, I have no idea.

I'd love to have a little talk with whoever created emotions because the amount of mood swings I've had today are not it.

I sit on the edge of the bed while Spencer puts the suitcases down, his head whipping around when he hears me sniffle.

He's kneeling in front of me before I can even blink the tears away, clear confusion drawn across his face. "What's wrong? Do you not like it?"

"No, I love it." I cry, shaking my head. "And I love you so much and you did all of this for me and what have I done for you? You brought me to the middle of the Indian Ocean because I mentioned it once when we first started dating and—"

"Okay," He laughs, looking at me like I'm crazy. "I think you're just tired."

"I'm not, I'm—" I cut myself off, taking a shaky breath. I'm not sure what I'm feeling but I'm overwhelmed with all the emotions bubbling inside me right now.

"You've barely slept since yesterday," Spencer says softly, wiping at my tears. "Let's take a nap."

"No, I feel bad." My bottom lip wobbles and my voice cracks. "We should be out doing something not sleeping."

"It will still be there when we wake up," He says, pulling off my shirt and pants, putting his oversized T-shirt on over my head. "We're here for two weeks."

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