Well, fuck you too

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

I flop exhausted onto my bed, crawling underneath the comforter. Today was so hectic at work that I haven't even gotten a chance to look at my phone all day.

I pull out my phone, smiling when I see a series of texts from Spencer.

I pull out my phone, smiling when I see a series of texts from Spencer

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I snicker to myself, simp.

He's been away on a case now for the past few days, so the only time we get to properly talk is at night when we're both in bed. I hit the call button, bringing the phone to my ear while it rings.

"You are absolutely too clingy," I say when Spencer answers. "But please don't ever stop."

"Why are you calling me?"


My brows crease together when I pull the phone from my ear, confirming it's definitely him. "Well, fuck you too."

"No," Spencer's chuckle rings out. "I meant video call me, I miss your face."

See? Simp.

I hit FaceTime and it's only a second before his face lights up my screen. He's in bed too, and the smile that spreads across his face when he sees me still gives me butterflies.

"Hi, baby."

And that? That gives me flutters somewhere else.

"Hi," I curl into the blanket, my smile turning into a lazy grin. "How was your da—"

My words die on my tongue, a yelp sounding from my throat when my whole room goes pitch black. I shoot up in fear, tumbling to the ground from where I'm tangled in my comforter.

"Ow," I groan, rubbing the arm I just landed on. "What the fuck just happened?"

"Did you just..." Spencer breaks out into a fit of laughter. "F-fall of the bed?"

I squint my eyes in the dark, following the sound of his laughter while I reach blindly through the sheets for my phone.

When I find it, I flip it over to see Spencer's amused face pulled right up to the camera. I tilt the screen, the glow of light barely allowing me to see two feet in front of me.

"This is scary," I whisper, bringing him closer to my face. "I think my power just went out."

"That's weird," His brows crease. "There isn't any power cut warnings for DC."

"Hold on," I tell him, swiping up my screen and turning on my flashlight. Finally being able to see, I walk over to the light switch, letting out a groan when I flick it and nothing happens. "Yeah," I click back into the FaceTime. "My powers gone."

"The switch probably just tripped," He says. "Go to the main breaker panel and you can turn it back on."

He probably has the right idea, but the wrong bitch.

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