Come on, for old times sake

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S P E N C E R ' S   P O V

Our time in the office is usually about ninety percent talking, and ten percent actually doing our paperwork.

The weather is finally starting to pick up here and it's probably the hottest day of the year so far, a fact that is not helping our motivation to get through the day at all.

"It's such a nice day out," Emily groans, fanning herself with a manila folder. "Why are we doing paperwork?"

JJ heaves a heavy sigh, directing her daggers at me. "Because someone suggested getting our paperwork done right now."

I have some news for everyone but Averie is on her way here and I want to wait until she gets here before I say anything. So yes I suggested getting our paperwork done as an excuse to get them to stay here, but it's also just common sense to get it done before our weekend off. They'll thank me Monday morning.

"Less talking," I say, snapping my fingers. "More writing."

Derek gawks at me. "Did you just click your fingers at us?"

I keep eye contact with him while I click my fingers again. Very slowly.

He pushes off his chair onto his feet, the amusement on his face completely contrasting the way he cracks his knuckles. "Oh it's on pretty boy."

"Hey," A familiar voice says from behind me and I turn in my desk chair, a huge smile stretching across my face.

At the sight of my wife and son now standing beside us, Derek retreats back into his seat. His fingers form a V, pointing them between his eyes and mine while he mouths this isn't over.

Averie rolls the stroller to a stop beside me and I push the sun visor back. Aidan's whole face lights up when he sees me, excitedly kicking his legs uncontrollably when he lets out a squeal of delight. I seen him this morning but I love how excited he gets.

"Woah," Emily says, looking slightly impressed. "I have never seen someone so excited to see Reid in my life."

"Ha ha," I roll my eyes at her. My whole expression brightens when I focus back on my son, showering him with kisses.

"I come bearing gifts," Averie smiles, reaching underneath the stroller. She takes out a box of donuts, placing them down on the desk.

"Baby first, donuts later," Penelope grins, holding her arms out to take Aidan from me. "Gimme, gimme."

"Look at you, you little summer baby," Penelope beams, holding him on her hip as she straightens out his little T-shirt and shorts. Aidan erupts in a fit of giggles when she starts to tickle him.

Aidan doesn't know what to do with himself while everyone wants to hold him and say hi, there is so much excitement coursing through his little body you'd swear he was drowning with how much his arms and legs are kicking and his squeals of joy.

Averie and I love learning new things about him and one thing we've noticed is that he is definitely shy around strangers, but the team are anything but that. Just Penelope alone stops by our house every second day to see him and every other day it's someone else.

"Hey little man," Derek says, grinning at Aidan when he holds him up in his arms. He reaches into his desk drawer. "I got you a present."

He slides a tiny pair of sunglasses onto Aidan's face, and we all laugh because they're matching the pair Derek then slides onto his own face.

My new contract was signed this morning so with everyone standing around, I figure now's a good time to break the news. Derek beats me to the punch when he speaks up.

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