Cake after sex

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A V E R I E ' S   P O V

Before I know it Spencer's lips are on mine, his hands threading through my hair to angle my mouth to his. My tounge meets his in hard strokes, clashing as I kiss him back with as much hunger as he's kissing me.

I run my fingers through his tousled brown hair, his hands now roaming over my waist down to my hips, finally settling on the curve of my ass.

I bite his bottom lip between my teeth, our bodies already so close that I feel the hard ridges of his chest against me.

My voice wavers as he focuses his lips down my neck, "I'll take that as a yes?"

He leans into me, his lips ghosting over my collarbone, "Trust me when I say my answer to that will never be no."

He grips the back of my thighs, lifting me into his arms. Crossing the room, he lays me down underneath him on the blanket he set out earlier in front of the fire.

Despite the barrier of our clothes, I can already feel him pressing into my thigh. He ends the kiss, leaning back on his haunches before whipping his tshirt off.

He trails delicate kisses on my skin as his hands slide up my sides, dragging my T-shirt off over my head.

Breathy moans spills from my lips when he leans in and wraps his lips around my nipple, sucking it into his mouth. I press my legs together needing some friction as he teases and rolls the other between his fingers.

I reach down, attempting to pull at his sweatpants. He chuckles at my eagerness, kicking them off himself.

He hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers that I'm wearing. I again, very eagerly lift my hips as he drags them down my legs.

Noticing he paused, I look up at him underneath my lashes. I find his hooded eyes dragging over my body, seeing me completely bare for the first time.

He doesn't say anything as I lay there, but his admiring eyes trace my every curve as his fist wraps around himself, slowly pumping.

That's hot.

Finally breaking out of his trance, he shakes his head softly before pressing his lips to mine, harder than before. "You're so beautiful."

"I want you." I say, as he inches himself down my body.

"You have me," He locks eyes with me from where his face is now buried between my legs. "Now let me take care of you."

When I open my mouth to protest, he quickly cuts me off, "Shh." He places a soft kiss on my navel, "I haven't tasted you in weeks."

"Be quick," I plead, Call me impatient, but we've been waiting long enough for this.

He smirks, "Always am."

It never takes long for him to make me cum and the cocky fucker knows it too. Not that I'm complaining.

His gun shot wound recovery the past view weeks thankfully went without any issues, aside from the strict rule from his doctor on absolutely no physical activities.

So when he tried anything, I obviously told him we couldn't partake in such activities, as per doctors orders.

To which he of course pulled the 'I'm a doctor' card, claiming his 'second opinion' was enough to assure me he was fine.

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