👾CH. 1👾

745 31 26

Dear Diana,

Happy Birthday in advance! I know what you're thinking; "again?" ...Yes, I'm terribly sorry I can't make it to celebrate your 19th birthday with you in person. Work has been hectic and I can't even get a hint of sleep— uh... you don't care about that, hahaha...

Anyway! To compensate my absence, I've delivered to you a... drum roll please...

A video game! I know, super original. But before you think of throwing it away on sight, you should know that this particular one is very, very limited! Not everyone will be able to get their hands on this, and to be honest, I'm kind of proud for getting this before it ran out :-)

I know you love games. You're the only gamer in our family, too... well, besides me, but I can't call myself a gamer with my packed schedules everyday hahahaha.... and yes, you have many already but one more wouldn't hurt, right? The man who gave this to me was very enthusiastic to explain what it was about! Poor guy thought I was going to be the one to play this but what he doesn't know won't hurt him ':-D

It's a survival game! I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure you'll gain some extra knowledge, too! How nice, right? Have fun and learn at the same time! It's multiplayer, too!! Unfortunately, I can't play it. I'm too busy to even open the disk to see it for myself.

On the other hand, I promise I'll be back home by winter to pay you, mom and dad a visit. I'll put a pistol to my boss' head and demand for it, if I have to!!! >:-D  I hope you cut some slack for this ageing brother. I'm beginning to get back aches and I'm only 26 (T-T) When I get there, we'll play the game together, too! Just like when we were younger. I won't help you survive in that world since you'll have the upper-hand for playing it beforehand, so prepare your gamer skills till winter arrives!!

I hate you but cut the hate and replace it with a heart or whatever. I'll bring you your favourite chocolate with me when I return ^~^ enjoy it, okay?!?! You better!!! Maybe even introduce it to Juno!

Bye-bye, Cupcake! See you by spring <3


I sighed, and glanced over at the little cardboard box sitting idly on the dining table. He couldn't make it again. I'm turning nineteen for goodness sake! He missed my eighteenth birthday, so of course, I'm going to be salty.

"Come on, dear. I know it makes you sad, but hey! At least Yohan put the effort to send you something instead of nothing!" My mom tried to comfort, but I heaved out another sigh. "Ma, he wasn't there for my last birthday, either." I pointed out sourly.

She let out a defeated sigh, before placing a smile on her face, "Why don't you check out what's inside the box, hm? It's a video game, right?" She ushered and I nodded mutely, making my way over to the table and bringing the decent-sized, rectangular box into my arms. It's pretty light.

"I'll start on dinner soon, okay? I'm making your favourite spaghetti!" She beamed and I couldn't help but chuckle, my own smile making its way on my face, "I can't wait, ma! I'll be in my room. I'm going to try out this video game." I gestured towards the box in my hands and she nodded, shooing me away so she can begin working on dinner without any distractions.

"Woof." Coco, my German shepherd resounded, tail wagging as he sniffed at my hands holding the box in curiosity. I giggled at my baby and ushered him to follow me up, to which he happily complied with a chuff.

Climbing up the stairs, I shut the door behind me as I entered my room. I made a beeline to my little TV with my gaming console and made myself comfortable on the floor and at the foot of my bed where I leaned my back.

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