👾CH. 44👾

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It wasn't a few hours later before the others soon began to pile back to our resting spot with a load of foods enough to ensure that everyone begins our final trek with full stomachs and without any concern regarding the possibility of leaving anyone even the tiniest bit hungry.

And it wasn't even a couple of minutes later before they all began to notice the shift between the interactions Yoongi and I shared. Maybe it was the lingering touches behind each other's backs, or the less than subtle glances at each other, or even my less than discreet and invisible magnetic pull bringing me to his side every chance I get.

The first I noticed that had caught onto our shift was (unsurprisingly) Wonho - the ever-knowing guardian of mine, who openly winked my way and gave me a thumbs up to show his support.

And to make it any more obvious, he didn't bother to be discrete and pointedly stared towards the rest as a way to question when this shift will take place with them as well.

An absurd thought to contemplate, mind you. As if everyone of them would be open to knowing something as complex as my jumbled up feelings. I had immediately shot down that idea from him, and although that should've given a hint at the very least, he was incredibly adamant and stubborn.

For some reason, he was very confident in the outcome regarding when I finally allow myself to bare my heart out in the open for them to see. An outcome I didn't want to jump conclusions to, but one I had a slight inkling of what he expected.

As of now, Hoseok and I were sitting side-by-side to keep some form of tidiness with the new food resources that came piling in one after another from every man.

"Did something happen?" He piped in casually, keeping his eyes from straying away from his busy hands. I paused from my own tidying work and shot him a glance, slowly resuming once I shook my head and realised he wasn't going to elaborate.

"Nope." I replied, sneaking a quick glance at Yoongi who returned to his laying position at the other end of the cave, eyes closed but he was very much awake.

Hoseok however, noticed my small glance and stopped from his work to properly put his attention at the one in question - me.

I stopped as well, twisting from my spot to face him a bit better as to not strain my neck for a long time when looking at him. He tilted his head to the side in obvious curiosity. "What about in between you and hyung?" He quirked a brow expectantly.

I frowned, "With.. Yoongi?" I asked to clarify and he nodded. I licked my lips, wondering whether or not should I reveal the complete truth...

I don't want him to think that I was taken. Because, I actually wasn't. Yoongi and I haven't discussed whether we're making anything official after revealing our feelings. We've simply resumed our usual ways with each other, only with an additional amount of skin ship that we try to sneak in.

"We just shared some secrets to each other." I shrugged, "You could say that we've grown closer through that." I offered as a response, looking to see how the sunshine took the answer. He nodded acceptingly, a hum escaping his lips, "They must be personal, then." He murmured thoughtfully.

I giggled softly, "Aren't secrets meant to be personal?" I inquired and he smiled, "Yeah." He agreed, eyes trailing back towards the work that's yet to be done.

I didn't expect this conversation to come to a stop so suddenly. I'm even surprised that I feel a bit awkward right now. I cleared my throat slightly, pursing my lips awkwardly whilst turning back to my own pile of resources.


So Hoseok wasn't the only one. Just about every other man was behaving... almost distant? It's the first word that really came to mind. It seemed this way with all, except Yoongi and Wonho. I was growing a bit unnerved with the sudden switch.

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