👾CH. 30👾

186 15 3

"Oh, look at that!~" Jin beamed brightly upon my appearance. I grinned bashfully when the others turned to look my way as well while I shuffled carefully towards the fence beside the ladder leading downwards with my crutch under my right arm.

Yoongi made his way beside me from behind and grinned pridefully as his crutch worked like a charm despite my lack of practice in using this. It was definitely more stable to use. There's no inkling doubt at the far back of my mind that it'll collapse under my weight, so I give this a big thumbs up.

"Get good practice with that only under someone's watch, lovely." Jimin piped from beside Jin, the latter nodding along, "That's right; in case you lose your balance, someone will be there to help you." He reasoned.

I nodded and pursed my lips as I stood beside the ladder and eyed it warily before gradually nearing it to help myself down.

"Be careful, now!" Jin fretted, hurrying with the tray holding our breakfast while I carefully crouched down and sat at the edge of the floor board and hung my legs over to somehow get down without using my right foot.

"Joon-ah, help her, please?" Jin asked while he propped our food beside the fire-pit. Namjoon nodded and hurried over towards me with outstretched arms, already going halfway up the ladder to keep me within his reach. "Place your good foot on the ladder," he instructed and I nodded silently and did as he told. I wasn't really scared I'd somehow make a joke of myself and fall like an idiot because I also had Yoongi right behind me just in case.

"Easy now..." The latter murmured under his breath from behind me. Namjoon brought one hand up to grab my own as I brought it forward.

Any other day, I would've easily slid down the ladder with the help of the poles holding it together and be down there, eating already. Why did I have to get a sprain this severe?

Diana, just be glad you didn't
fracture a bone.

Yeah, yeah, I know ㅠㅠ

"Wait- I don't think this'll work, guys," I chuckled uneasily as I tried to turn towards the ladder so I can place my foot. However, I was facing outwards from the ladder so I was starting to grow anxious as I slowly turned around and tried not to fall.

"It will. Just hang your lower half over the ladder," Yoongi instructed and I pouted his way, albeit listening anyway as I hung my legs over the edge and used my left foot to ground myself on a platform on the ladder.

"Okay, okay. Stay there." Namjoon's voice resounded from behind me, sounding more distant and making me frown at that notice. Soon, I flinched slightly in surprise when his hands grabbed the shin of my legs. Oh, so he climbed back down.

"Careful with the sprain!" I reminded, stretching my neck to peer behind me but ultimately looked back ahead of me to eye where I placed my hands.

"Diana, drop down."

I scoffed in disbelief, "Hell no! Why would I-"

"Trust me, babe. I'm right here to catch you." He reasoned and I scoffed again, "I don't want to let go, I'll just take this one step at a time." I countered in protest before complaining as I felt his hand pull lightly on my leg to urge me down with a drop.

"The rest of the makne line will eat all the food, guys." Hoseok laughed lightly.

"Hobi is kind of right..." Jin chuckled, presumably at the sight of the youngest three stuffing their faces.

Yoongi grunted indignantly and pulled at my wrists, making me shriek as I lost my grip on the poles of the ladder, "Stop worrying so much." He said and let go of my wrists, making me exclaim in shock as I dropped down.

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