👾CH. 53🏠

120 12 17

Sparks ignited every surface of my being, urging me to open my eyes and look, to figure out what was the cause of this.

My stomach churned at the feeling, it was hard to tell whether these sparks meant good or bad. I felt my fingers twitch as they tingled from these feelings. I swallowed thickly, feeling my throat grow increasingly dry. I found myself trying to move my legs, needing to move it but it felt too heavy to lift.

"She's- she's moving!!! Doctor!!!!"

Was I underwater? What's that sound??

I grimaced, unable to ignore my empty stomach and heavy limbs. Trying to wake up seems to be an impossible task as I attempted to open my eyes. They felt like heavy boulders and as if it was glued shut.

"Hyung!! She's becoming conscious!! Bring everyone, hurry!!"

I tried to relax, hoping this would allow me to put all of my strength into opening my eyes, needing to see, needing to know what was happening.

With a few breaths' passing, I tried again, only this time focusing on my eyes only.

I frowned in concentration and was surprised by the brightness that invaded my previously dark vision. Where am I? Is the sun in my face??

"Look! Hoseok, she's- she's trying to wake up! You can see it to? It's not just me??"

Another voice chimed and I felt my heart flutter, a lightness lifting some unknown weight off of my chest.

"No, you're right, Look; her fingers are moving!"

Using up the best of my will, I finally pried them open with great struggle, groaning and cringing at the raspiness of my voice and the bright- way too bright lights.

"Oh- oh my god! Wait, hold on sweetheart, I'll dim the lights. She's awake!!!"

Blinking blearily and quickly, I sighed as the lights grew dimmer, allowing me to look without shutting my eyes right back or any strain.

I turned my head to the side, heart pulsating as they landed on my hand.

Wires... so many wires...

My eyes trailed up, towards the beeping monitor and IV drip. I grunted, trying to sit up from my spot on this bed, realising I was settled on a hospital bed.

What...? how did I—-


"Welcome to the game."

"Mmph?!?! Mphh!! Mph!!!"

"Son of a b—-"

"Game, I might just hate you a little more..."

"Say hello to sweet, sweet revenge!!"

"Everyone adores you."

"My head's always empty, you goof."

"My friend... she's suffering with memory loss. Amnesia."

"-How can you just put yourself against that thing like that? You knew it was so dangerous."

"Be very grateful, angel. You're the first to receive two kisses from me."

"...you're forgetting about your life in the real world."

"You... again.."

"The game is turning against you."

"I like you a lot."

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