👾CH. 34👾

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After we wrapped everything up as we put out the fire and finished our food, everyone collectively crawled their way back inside the cave that I took the liberty to make somewhat comfortable. With the pillows and remaining covers to prepare for the night, I was pleased when they all chorused their gratitude once I was done.

I'm one for the comfort so of course, I knew how to make do with that factor in any given chance.

We had four covers left aside from the ones we used for another purpose. It was decided then, and quite easily that everyone was going to pair up and share one cover each.

Cutting straight through the chase, the pairs were as followed: Hoseok and Jimin, Jin and I, Yoongi and Taehyung, and finally Jungkook and Namjoon.

It was early into midnight right now, and I woke up for no reason at all. I was as comfortable as one can be inside a cave with a pillow and something to cover me.

I had no idea why I'd suddenly woken up, but I couldn't seem to fall back asleep like I thought I would as I laid limply on my back with Jin right beside me sleeping soundly.

Everyone else was very much asleep as well - I knew that.

Huffing under my breath irritably, I propped myself up on my elbows, wondering where my slumber ran off to.

I glanced towards one of the glowing rocks lighting up this cave thoughtfully. Maybe I can't sleep because it's too bright..?

Oh, who am I kidding. I've managed to sleep through the full moon shining right on my face, in clear view from my open window. Point is, some little glowing rock can't disturb me like that.

Either way, I couldn't seem to fall back asleep no matter how bright or how dark it was as I looked away from the light. I was growing fairly annoyed with my uncooperative body that decided I've slept quite enough despite it having been barely over 2-3 hours since I called it a night.

With a defeated sigh, I sat up all the while making sure not to trouble Jinnie too much with my movement.

Shuffling out of the covers, I glanced towards the blocked exit, contemplating my choices before deciding that I just needed some open space instead of a caving-in hole that has a giant, heavy rock blocking the one way out.

By no means am I claustrophobic. In fact, this cave was actually much larger than I first thought when visiting it when I did. Since it's more lit up with the rocks lighting it up, it was more spacious than anything.

Come on, now - it fit 8 grown adults. I think that speaks for itself.

Crawling towards the exit and grabbing my crutch along the way with one hand while my other held onto a glowing rock, I took a deep breath and collected all of my strength and placed the flat of my palms firmly against the surface of the rock before pushing with all my might after placing the objects previously occupying my hand by my knees.

I let out a grunt and panted as it shifted ever so slightly, but not entirely. Falling onto my bum, I glanced at the little opening I managed to create and shrugged, going along with what I could before slipping passed the slim gap with a little trouble.

Pulling my crutch out with me for safe-keeping as I sat outside of the entrance, I stretched my arm to reach for the single glowing rock I decided to bring along to light up the space just outside where I settled.

I took another deep breath and leaned against the rocky slope beside the thin gap leading into the cave and sighed, fiddling with the glowing rock on my lap that helped me make out the little outlines of bushes and trees situated ahead and towards my right.

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