👾CH. 50👾

115 12 3

~ 3rd person POV ~

"Wait, what the f—- where did he go?!?!"

Jimin yelped in surprise as Wonho somehow disappeared without anyone's notice.

"He slipped through, relax." Taehyung chuckled, patting the panicky man on his stiff shoulder.

Okay - Wonho disappeared only without Jimin's notice.

"Fuck you, author." Jimin scowled, an orange tint dusting his cheeks.

(A/N: Love you, too, Jimin <3

..now to fix that wall up...)

"What is this hyung suddenly saying..." Jungkook quirked a perfect brow in wonder before brushing it off. "Wonho-ssi??? Can you hear me??" The maknae yelled after the said man, hoping for an answer expectantly.

"Hurry up, you lot!" Wonho's distant voice rang through in a muffled sound and everyone collectively let out sighs of relief before slipping through the glitch one by one.

"Ow- son of a—"

Yoongi cursed out as his head made contact with a rough surface hovering above him, a small pout gracing his features as his hand moved to ease the slight sting it caused.

"Careful, Jin hyung. There's a shaky rock here." Namjoon mumbled from behind everyone else. "Thanks, Joon." Jin huffed out before finally appearing into their line of sight, holding Diana who seemed to be asleep.

"Is she sleeping?" Namjoon asked with surprise, looking at his hyung for answers. Jin nodded mutely, a small frown never leaving his down-tilted lips as his eyes trailed over the slumbering girl.

"Really? That glitch is so bright! Wouldn't it wake her up??" Taehyung wondered, feeling worried that the girl managed to sleep through such a bright light that even hurts to look at with shut eyelids.

Jin pursed his lips and shrugged, "She was exhausted. I wouldn't put it past her to sleep through it." He mumbled. Everyone had caught onto Jin's low spirits, but they reasoned it with his silent breakdown a few moments ago. He must be tired, too.

"Do you want me to hold her? You must be tired, hyung." Namjoon offered, fretting over the elder man and scooping her into his arms before Jin could even mutter an answer.

"I'm fine... like you said; I'm just tired. You know, Diana's—"

"Yeah, I-I know, hyung." Namjoon gave one tight-lipped smile before motioning towards the others who waited patiently, "We're so close now. It's just a matter of finding a purple light source here and it'll all be back to normal." He tried to reassure.

Namjoon gulped thickly when no one looked his way, choosing to not comment on Diana's light weight and he already figured that this is a good enough reason for his Jin hyung to feel so helpless and utterly worried.

He noticed Jin give him a knowing look before he plastered a smile to console him, mouthing 'I know.' To him which sums up the main problem behind Jin's low spirits. Namjoon immediately understood, because his own mood tumbled down as he adjusted his hold on the girl in his arms.

"Woah, and here I was sure I wasn't claustrophobic..." Jungkook mumbled uneasily, taking in the lower ceiling of the cave that almost made it seem like it could collapse and crush a person at any given moment. Its uneven and bumpy surface made it seem like the walls were lowering down before shifting back up from certain curves as they walked further in.

This part of the cave was much brighter compared to the previous section, so the men were glad they didn't need to rely on torches and some glowing rocks alone to navigate the untouched territory.

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