👾CH. 6👾

301 21 16

1 week with Jin has been eventful to say the least.

We've added onto our foods and brought more variety to our meals. There is one red, crystal-like stick that hangs under the more bigger trees that hold more height than others. It was hard to spot because the smaller trees always manage to build a form of a canopy and hide them. They were ice-cold on contact but I didn't question it. I brought it back 3 days prior and Jin had the bright idea to use the outer shell of the purple watermelon as a bowl and melted the ice-Crystal after smashing it into smaller pieces.

It smelled strongly of strawberries and what he made out of it was basically a strawberry slushy. There was no need for honey since it was deliciously sweet on its own. It was refreshing to drink something so cold, too.

Then there's one of the, in-quote "fruits" that I brought back, and I put the word in quotes because it isn't really a fruit.

It was a hidden treasure, actually. What I assumed was a giant, white pear turned out to be something else entirely.

It was full of more medical supplies. It sounds weird to find such a thing hidden inside a pear-looking exotic fruit but isn't me and Jin being inside a game any different?

It was greatly relieving since we were close to running out our disinfectant and wrap to tend to our injuries- well, only mine actually. Since I go into the forest every morning at the crack of dawn.

At this point, anything in this world had no questions from me anymore as I had accepted them the way they were.

Also, the two of us grew closer! Jin has made it mandatory for me to have all three meals of the day, not letting me go unless I agree to eat and fill my stomach when I say I wasn't hungry.

I never thought I'd find a single day in this world, where I'd claim that I wasn't hungry but that is Jin's magical nurturing nature that makes sure I was never starving under his watch. He's basically taken me under his wing and treated me like a little sister.

It honestly surprised me when he denied having any siblings and being an only child. He seemed to know how to take care of anyone younger than him. I had assumed he had a little sister of his own but apparently, you don't need a younger sibling to have the tendencies to care for someone else younger than you.

Today, he decided that he wanted to come with me into the forest. I was a bit reluctant to let him and he ignored my 'but's, claiming that he wanted to familiarise the area nearby himself. He admitted that he didn't like seeing me walk into the forest and come back with new, red scratches, saying that he felt terrible for letting me venture inside without knowing what to expect in there.

I had assured him many times that I would be fine and right now was just another time I comfort his stressed mind for letting me go in by myself.

To be honest, I didn't want anything to happen to him. That's why I insisted so much that he stay back and keep an eye for our place if anything happens.

"I'm literally this close to locking you up inside your room." Jin scowled at me as his hands remained by his hips. Jokes on him though, none of the doors have a locking mechanism. He had that all-too-familiar stance of an angry dad, scolding his child.

But I was no child!

No, I'm an independent woman who can take care of herself just fine.

"Sweets, please. I've gone in there every single day and have come back here well and alive. This time won't be any different!" I tried to reason. This time around, he was more persistent but like all the other times, I won him over.

"I know... but it doesn't make the thought any less scary, Diana." He sighed, "I want you back here before dark. Or else I'm coming in to get you myself." He stated and I nodded, smiling. Works with me.

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