👾CH. 19👾

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~ Diana POV ~

He seemed to be very persistent about what I know and it's kind of getting to me from how serious he was about it.

"Who knows a lot about her life in the real world?" He asked around and Tae and Yoon raised their hands. So did Jin, though he was still tentative because I can see that the seriousness Joon was emanating was bothering him a lot. It was bothering me too.

Amnesia?? I mean- I know I can forget some stuff sometimes, but I'm not that bad, am I???

It's exactly the next day and right after breakfast, he'd called everyone into his cabin with a stern and authoritative tone. No one planned to go against his command so we all piled in and took our seat around the room while he stood. I was beside him as he kept a hand slung over my shoulders, but I felt uneasy because of how lost I felt at the moment.

"When I was unconscious in this world, I could see- well.., I could hear what was happening in the real world. I could imagine where I was. We're all currently at the hospital and the doctors are all running around to try and get us back, but-" he pursed his lips before sighing, "-it seems like our souls are in this world. Whatever injuries we obtain in this world, will appear on our bodies in real life. There are so many more people that are in this game. But most likely in a different survival world than ours." He explained and I felt my blood run cold as I turned to look at Joon in shock.

I've had those kinds of dreams. Of being in the hospital. I hear my family speaking to doctors while I'm on some bed. But there's not much noise like how Joon says there is.

"Diana is apparently the very first to be sucked into the game. It's the reason doctors have kept her in a separate room from everyone else. They believe all the other victims are linked to her." Namjoon continued but I froze in place, body turning tense as he continued on, "So to finally explain my concern," he brought up, "I heard a doctor announce how Diana is suffering from serious amnesia. It was an urgent call out on their part and soon after, I woke up." He explained before squeezing my shoulder with the arm he's wrapped around me and look at me with soft, worried eyes.

I was honestly at a loss for words. What do I say? I don't feel any different than when I first got here.

"You've written some of your own things in your personalised notebook, right?" He asked just as softly and I paused.

My personal notebook..? Did he mean the one where I've written everything about this world? It's not really personal, though..

"You- you mean the- the one with all the things we know in this world...?" I asked hesitantly. I thought back to the book and only ended up thinking of that one, we don't have any... else thinking any harder on this matter had my mind start that reoccurring feeling of the beginnings of a migraine if I try and whack my brain to remember if I have any other.

"Eh?" Jin gasped out, making me turn to him with uneasy eyes. Was that not it?

"Dear, the other one. Where you've written all of your personal feelings about your experience here before we came into play." Jin specified. I slipped out of Joon's hold and rushed towards my cabin.

Everyone else silently followed behind me as well because I'm slowly beginning to panic. Did I really forget something even Jin remembers even if it's not his??? What the hell??

I scanned through all the things kept in this room once I got in and frowned, turning to the others. "This is all I've been using for as long as I've been here." I pointed towards the one notebook kept on my desk. "Where's the other one?" Jungkook raised a brow, his own frown plastered on his face.

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