👾CH. 25👾

230 16 4

Double ducking update, ain't no way I actually forgot to update!! 😭😭


"Oh- hey, did you sleep well?"

I groggily mumbled out a 'yes', covering up a yawn behind my hand as Yoongi made his way towards me and settled by the edge of the bed. He just happened to walk in right as I woke up and thank goodness I put on my pants already. I did not need to start off the day by corrupting Yoonie's eyes.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to get rid of remnants of sleep still latching onto me before opening my eyes further, a lazy smile directed towards the rapper.

"I have a question I want to ask you..." I muttered slowly, holding back another yawn.

Yoongi smiled at me, bringing one hand forward to tuck a stand of hair away from my face, "What is it?" He asked.

"Namjoonie told me about the girl you're close to," I began, "And that you wrote a special song just for her." I continued and watched as the male furrowed his brows the more I spoke.

"Wait- Namjoon told you that?" He cut in, his tone holding utter confusion. I nodded, "Yeah, he also told me that she has amnesia." I pointed out, my mind still a little fogged up with a little drowsiness to really register Yoongi's change of expression.

"Oh." He mumbled and I watched with amusement when a dust of pink made its way onto his face. He might like her a lot to react that way upon mentioning her.

I nodded again, wondering what that sudden shine of understanding meant as I said 'amnesia'.

"So I know you've written plenty of amazing songs for the world, 'cause you're a musical genius of course- but anyway, would you—"

"Wait- wait, you know?" His eyes bulged and I snapped out of my sleepy daze, confused at his sudden outburst. "Uh, what?" I asked.

"That- that I write music?" He stammered, eyes wide and hopeful. It was an endearing sight and I would've cooed loudly had it not been the lingering glint of desperation present in his eyes and his tone. I grew a little worried, wondering what exactly caused such a reaction from him.

I nodded slowly with my eyebrows furrowing, "Of course, I do... I'm a fan, remember...?" I tentatively reminded.

Did he get amnesia??

"I may not fangirl as much now, but I'm still very much a fan, you know. It's not easy to forget that The Agust D is sitting here, right in front of me." I mumbled with a shrug.

I watched with a suddenly, pounding heart as Yoongi broke into the brightest, gummy smile I've ever laid eyes on before I found myself engulfed within his tight and warm embrace right as I blinked. I was taken aback by the sudden show of affection and soon snapped out of my momentary shock before returning his hug.

"Am I missing something..?" I wondered out loud to myself, though not at all minding this sudden hug because I love everything about it. I felt the bed shift slightly under his weight as he scooted closer to sit more comfortably without breaking away from the embrace he pulled me in.

I felt his shoulders bounce with the huff of laughter he resounded over my shoulder - where he propped his chin whilst squeezing his arms tighter around me to pull me closer. He seemed to be incredibly happy right now, and I wasn't about to put a stop to this burst of happiness anytime soon.

I'm not entirely sure just how long this embrace had stretched and to be honest, I didn't realise when we'd adapted our postions to keep this hug going on.

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