👾CH. 11👾

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It has been an entire week since the new additions to our world got here. 3 months for me.

Yoongi had helped me work on extending our pantry area more since we would be needing more space to store our foods as the number of people continued to grow.

Namjoon had taken great interest on the map I drew that was pinned to the wall opposite to my bed and he spent a lot of time basically noting down all things unusual or possibly useful to get us out from my little notes inside the notebook I've been taking full use of since day 1.

I didn't want him to go through the trouble of making trips to my cabin everyday he's stayed here so I moved my notes, sketches and map to his room. He had no reason to feel embarrassed but he did with his flushed cheeks and bashful smile. He had shook his head profusely to refuse my offer but I'd insisted. He has thanked me plenty and I waved it off.

All I did was give him my 3 months of work without blinking. It was completely fine.

I don't think much about this... but when I do, I feel utterly relieved and glad that all the players that ended up in this world were respectable men who all played a part in helping everyone out. I would've honestly lost my mind if some idiotic pervert ended up here. Maybe I'd even volunteer to send them to an Olfstin to deal with him.

I know that there are still two vacant tree houses left and had told Namjoon before-hand about it. We both collectively agreed that 8 players in total was the limit. But none of us knew just how many copies of this game was being given out to other clueless people.

For all we know, this could be just one of the many other survival worlds that players ended up in. Whoever created this... I hope they rot in hell.

(A/N: Diana, sweety...😬👉👈)

When I find them, I will make sure they play this game and never find a way out. I hope they play it all alone and suffer all of this madness on their own, get a taste of their own medicine.

(A/N: 👁👄👁 ... Chile— 🕳👩‍🦯)

And then an Olfstin could—

Knock knock

I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced at the door. "Come in!" I called out. That was a really soft knock. I nearly missed it had it not been quiet enough. I say 'quiet enough' because I can hear Jungkook and Taehyung goofing around.

I raised a brow, surprised when Yoongi poked his head in, "I hope you don't mind if I join you?" He asked just as softly.

I shook my head, "Of course not, make yourself comfortable." I ushered. He nodded and took a seat by the foot of the bed while I remained on my stool, noting down a few new things I came across while venturing the forest with Jungkook.

He is one curious boy, I tell you.

He saw one particularly giant tree and said he's going to climb it. I immediately shot that thought down but he held onto it and left my side to put actions to his words. He was super high in a few minutes and I had to squint my eyes to spot him. He was moving further and further up until I could barely hear him when he pointed a few things out on the way. That's how high up he was.

When he got back down, he vividly described that there seemed to be a giant cliff side at a far distance that held a ginormous cave. It was wide open and he even mentioned spotting something emanating a purple light deep within the darkness inside it. It sounded like an entrance to a show of purple lights from glowing crystals. But that's just my imagination from that one fairy barbie movie I watched when I was younger.

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