❓CH. 48❓

118 15 12

~ [???]'s POV ~

"W-we get it, man! Please, it won't happen again!"

I scowled, feeling nowhere near done with the bunch before me. To think they'd even get away with the stunt they pulled for "fun" was mildly amusing. I chuffed indignantly, shoving the bastard away from me and onto the wall just behind him, earning a hurt groan.

"The only reason you still have functioning legs is because I take pity for you lot. Or else I would leave you here to call for your own help. See how it feels to have someone mess up their fucking leg for their own entertainment." I stated darkly, relishing in the fear they directed at my presence.

That should keep them away from her.

I don't usually condemn such actions to someone (or in this case, some buffoons) even though they deserve what's coming to them, but to trample on her situation and mess it up even more without even her conscious of mind was a step too far. And all the while, those last few words were an understatement.

I gave the girl beside the guy a piercing glare, feeling so much distaste at the sight of her, feeling frustrated all the same because I stuck to some of my morals by leaving her without a scratch. No matter the circumstances, I would never dare to raise a hand on a girl.

Unless things come to an extreme, I can't be stopped. She's lucky by a hair that I didn't just lash out the same as I did to her beloved lil' boyfriend... or Boy-toy, whatever he is.

However, I must settle with the quivers her body portrayed as she viewed the guy beside her, who was barely able to hold himself together in my presence, (something I can reassure myself with) knowing he'll back off. She was crying all the while, horror on her face as she was directed under the daggers my stare threw her way.

Should keep her out of my sight, too.

With a click of my tongue, I strolled out of the secluded area by the side of the street, feeling my rage burn stronger the longer I stare at them. Any longer, and my morals might even crumble and that girl would end up worse than a wailing little bitch.

After a while of gathering myself and controlling my previously unrelenting and strong emotions, I sighed heavily, stopping in front of the hospital holding her and others that have fallen into the same boat.

Feeling sorrow grow in my heart as the lengthy period of time settled in my mind, I walked in while also bowing to elders on the way before pausing as I take notice of her little brother trying to get a peek into her room as I reached her floor.

A smile unconsciously slipped onto my features as his natural pout - much like her's - turned more prominent as the task of tiptoeing grew tiring and frustrating.

I kept still, my smile growing wider as his determination grew stronger after every little stumble before he huffed and looking around him. I chuckled as his eyes blew wide in surprise upon settling on me.

"Hyung!" He gasped, immediately reaching for my hand before rushing me in front of her room, "The door is locked, so I can't get in. I can see the lights are on but the window is too high! Can you see what's going on? Please??" He pleaded with his dangerous puppy eyes, orbs growing wide and shiny as a layer of tears build up for an added effect and I blinked in incredulity.

"Okay, okay! Stop doing that, you know it's hard to say no when you make that face. "Hi" to you, too, buddy..." I looked away with a pained look, feigning how the thought of saying 'no' to such an adorable sight was fatal. Juno giggled cheekily, "It's why I use it." He snickered.

Rolling my eyes in good nature, I reached forward to ruffle his bowl cut before stepping forward to peek through the circular window only to frown in confusion.

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