👾CH. 13👾

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"How much longer will she be like this? You mentioned she was waking up so long ago. So why isn't she awake?"

Y..Yohan...? I can hear him. What is he talking about?

"Sir, this case is unlike other symptoms we've ever encountered. Please understand that we're dealing with an unfamiliar situation and all of the doctors are doing their best to help. Please leave the room, it's past visiting hours."

I immediately connected the dots. Damnit. Why am I having this dream again? I'm connected to tubes and this beeping sound is always annoying me. Stop dreaming about this!

"Then make it familiar, damnit! Figure it out - you've had so much time in your hands and left her in this room for weeks! Why is she even isolated? Please at least tell me that much."

For fuck's sake, wake up, Diana. Stop living through this. I can't hear more.

"Hyung... I-it's okay. We can come back to visit noona tomorrow."

Oh god, please don't do this to me. I tried to move from where I presumably am on a bed. I should be waking up by now?? I'm self-aware about being in a stupid dream. Did I just jump into a lucid dream? Because I don't want to go through this again. It'll just make me miss them so much more than I already do.

"Sir it's not as easy as it seems, everyone is doing their best to help. She's the first to go through this, that's why we've separated her from all the other patients."

"Oh yeah? Well, guess what?! All the doctors that had kept a close eye on my sister have gone! They've left her in this damn room to do god knows what! Help her wake up! It's been months! Months!" He exclaimed.

I couldn't see anything this time since it was so dark but I know my big brother was talking to a nurse. Ever since Jin told me about being in a hospital, I've had this specific sort of dream scenario way too often and it's getting on my nerves. It became reoccurring after my little incident and bedridden state.

"Sir, this is the last time I'm asking you to leave this room. I'll say this again- it's past visiting hours. You can be here the next morning but leave the patient alone for the night."

"Yohan, dear, come on. We'll be back first thing in the morning, hm?"


"This isn't fair! All the other families get to stay overnight to watch over their loved ones. Why are we excepted?!"

I felt my heart clench achingly at her voice. It's worse now that her face is nothing but a blur in my memory. Every time I try to get a glimpse of her face in these cruel dreams, she appears blurry.


I gasp, shooting my eyes open. My eyes immediately fell on the dark sky. It's still nighttime. I clutched at my aching heart and sat up on my bed, glaring at nothing in particular for the evil play of my mind.

I can't let myself sleep, where I'm constantly reminded of being away from my family. From normalcy and void of a house I've grown to call my own. I'm tired of missing my parent's comfort, tired of being reminded that I could very well be spending my time with my two brothers and bicker with them like we always do.

My vision blurred with tears. I furiously wiped them away before they had the chance to fall. I hate crying. It makes me feel weak and vulnerable, which is the last thing I want to feel for as long as I'm in this damn world. Only Yohan has ever seen me really breakdown and crumble completely. And that was years ago when grandma passed.

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