👾CH. 3👾

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It has been a few weeks or so. I've managed to tighten my muscles more with the frequent amount of times I've gone out of the comfort of my house to hunt for more food and search for any more bags similar to mine.

The game is unexpectedly more peaceful than I thought. I've come to realise that- unlike real-life, the days and nights in this world are hours shorter. The nights more so than the day. Despite the passing of days, the moon remains at its full potential and shines like the full moon every night. Had I not kept a tally of the days I spent in this world, I would've lost count.

I made sure to remember to mark my days the moment I wake and decide to do my routinised venture into the forest by placing a torn paper from my personal notebook at my door. That way, it would greet me just before I leave. I've spent 2 weeks and 4 days now, to be specific. I plan to use the other notebook solely to note down things about this world.

On the other hand, I stand corrected about my assumption for strange creatures as well. They don't only appear during the night. My very first encounter was during the day, after all.

- 1 week ago -

I decided to venture away from the river and into the thicker vegetation of the forest. Since I've been coming in and out of this forest every single day, some aspects within it has become familiar to me and hence, the forest itself. I've still only covered a small portion of the forest - courtesy of the leverage I had by standing at the tree house, I managed to estimate that the area stretched from my starting point till the tree house I stayed in, was pretty much a tiny crumb beside an entire loaf of bread.

This forest was incredibly huge. Nonetheless, mountains and high hills border around it.

I made sure to mark the trees in areas I've come across to keep track of how much I've searched through.

Back to the new path I strolled into, at the sudden rustling within the depths of overgrown grass and bushes, I had immediately shot my hands into one of my pant pockets and pulled out my pocket knife.

I'm sure there were plenty of animals in this forest. But despite that, I hardly came across any. I hoped that it would be a pig or even a sheep. They seem to pop up more often than any other. Specifically speaking of that one deer I came across. I've managed to bribe some sheep and pigs back to my house and held them inside a self-made fence to make sure they don't vanish. I used my sword as a substitute for sheers to collect some of its fleece (wool) and helped myself with fluffing up my bedding. It was stupidly stiff for a bed, so I let myself obtain that comfort of fluffiness while I slept. You could say that I was rewarding myself with these tiny things. Just to make my life here a bit more bearable whilst I stayed here.

While I waited in anticipation for the animal to reveal itself, I was put into shock when nothing like the animals I knew, jumped out from its hiding spot.

It was thrice the size a fully grown bear. It was mostly defined with wolf-like features but instead of a furry tail, it was the pointy needle similar to a scorpion's. It's teeth were- oh god, they were singularly aligned set of sharp needles. Many thin fangs in other words, or needles everyone normally knows, but they're thicker on one end - that part stuck glued to its gums while the pointy side hung below, and they were dumb long. Then since they were so similarly thin as that of a needle, it had so many teeth to make do for all the space the gums had.

So, so, so many teeth. Bright yellow eyes in place for its snake-like pupils and its neck?

Holy mother of god.

The neck was surrounded by scales. It's neck could stretch and contract back in place, just like curly cords. It was a nameless creature that I called 'Olfstin' - I know; super creative. Leave the creativity to me at all times. A mixture of Wolf and sting. Sting because scorpions— you know what, I'm not gonna explain it.

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