👾CH. 46👾

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Namjoon jerked away in shock, turning visibly pink and leaving me to catch the attention of not only his wide blown eyes, but of seven others.

My mouth broke free to explaining myself with hurried and a messy jumble of words, "I... it wasn't- I didn't- I mean.. I was going to- uh, that kiss- gah!!"

I felt myself flush even more as the others watched me blabber none sense as an explanation, possibly shocked themselves. I'm shocked at myself!!

It was for a second too long that my lips touched his and I came to realise that I desired it awfully more. I wanted to kiss those lips again. As he pulled away and I remained stark still, Jin's arms tightening around my frame and with the group - as a whole - coming to a stop, I could only manage to shrink in on myself, unable to look away from Namjoon who was just as still, if not more.

I'd buried my face into Jin's neck in a desperate attempt to hide myself and though I couldn't blame the male, he was stuck glued on his spot and motionless as he let me bury as close as I could manage without a very conscious state of mind.

Namjoon blinked once, twice, maybe a few more times before he finally broke his gaze from staring at my currently melting being. He coughed into his hand, hiding his face with his hands to cover up the darker flush dusting his cheeks upon registering the happenings.


I jolted on my spot and my eyes blew wide open at the look on everyone's faces. I grew utterly confused as they all seem to be standing behind Joon, Jin and I. They were just standing ahead of us, right?? Wh—-

"Diana? What is it??" Namjoon asked, snapping me out of my trance.


I blinked, noticing Joon sport an expectant look as he leaned close to me, awaiting what I wanted to tell him. His face was tilted to the side so his ears were closer, ready to hear me.

I blinked a few times before looking around me to see everyone was still walking ahead. Jin was minding his own business as he kept his head facing forward, allowing me the space to move a little within his hold.

I gulped, returning my attention to an awaiting Joon, who was now looking at me in the eyes with a confused frown at my silence. I noticed my hand still holding onto his hand, keeping him close before I extended it forward, letting him pull away as I didn't have words to say anything.

"I- uh.. I forgot what I...um- what I was going to say..." I mumbled sheepishly. He quirked a brow at that, a look of concern washing over his features before he took in a deep breath before nodding, "That's okay." He dismissed.

I nodded back with pursed lips, internally wishing for the ground to swallow me whole as it dawned on me that I had gotten way into my imagination as the picture of feeling Joon's lips won me over.

I still craved it. And I wanted to just black out at the realisation. What has gotten into me??

Gosh, I need help.


I was in Jungkook's arms now, Jin needed a break and it was long overdue. It was a short pause before everyone continued forward even as our setting grew darker.

2 to 3 glowing rocks were pulled out of one of the bags alongside the handy-dandy torches so that we could watch our steps. We didn't need to worry too much about the traps even as nightlight shone on us as Wonho's abilities made our venture safer to be somewhat at ease.

"Watch your steps. There's a fallen tree ahead." Wonho spoke up every once in a while to inform us of such things, and I always worried when Jungkook struggled a little when manoeuvring around or over them since he held me.

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