👾CH. 29👾

154 13 3

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️✨✨✨🥳🥳🥳🥳


"Yes?" I yelled back at Yoongi from my cabin as I fixed my wrap around my ankle, finally getting a hang of how to take care of it myself.

"Come here— oh wait, you can't walk." He cut himself off and I scoffed lightly at how he already forgot.

"What do you want?" I yelled back. When I didn't hear any reply, I huffed out a breath and was about to ask again but stopped when I heard footsteps approach.

Yoongi poked his head in after a brief knock and smiled my way, making me raise an inquisitive brow. "So I've been working on this for a little while," he began as the rest of his body also slipped in, albeit slowly as his arms remained behind him.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously when I caught a glimpse of wood behind him before returning my gaze back to him when he purposely cleared his throat to gain my attention.

"Since you— oh, forget it, just... here." he sighed and pulled whatever he hid behind him and my eyes widened as he showcased his handy work before him.

"A... Crutch?" I asked and he nodded, taking a step forward and propping the single crutch beside the bed before helping my up to my feet. "I only made one but if it's too hard to manage, then I could work on making another one for you." He scratched behind his ears but I brushed it off dismissively.

I made sure to hover my sprained foot above the ground as he rushed to retreat the crutch and hand it over to me.

With newfound hope and excitement, I adjusted the wooden crutch under my right arm and adjusted my grip, "I'll just practice to work with one alone." I smiled widely before trying to take a few steps ahead with the crutch's help.

He moved aside silently and observed how I trudged forward. I wasn't very stable with using it, if the shaky hold on it had anything to go by, but it's nothing I can't work on to perfect on my own.

"How did you get the size of it right? It's like- the perfect height for me." I beamed, turning around slowly to peer at Yoongi who I caught smiling like a softy before he rushed to hide it with a poker face.

"I'm always right." He shrugged before making his way over and helping me back to my bed before taking the crutch from my arm whilst I chuckled at his answer, "Of course, of course." I nodded before grinning cheekily, "But seriously, how did you know? I don't remember you asking to measure my height for this." I pointed.

He rolled his eyes in good nature, "I got lucky, that's all." He chuckled and I hummed, "Thank you so much, I can't believe even I didn't think of this for myself." I laughed.

"I know you feel uncomfortable being carried to wherever you want or need to go, and you don't want to stay cooped up inside your room all day, either. So, I thought I could make you something to help." He explained nonchalantly, "And I'm very grateful," I stated.

I couldn't really hug him as I sat and he, standing up so I ushered him to lean down so I could give him one and he complied with a shy smile. "It's the least I could do," he brushed off with an embarrassed look on his face as he pulled away but I shook my head, "It's very thoughtful of you, gummy bear." I said sincerely before pointing towards the crutch he grabbed, "But why are you taking it away?" I asked.

"The handle is still a little loose so I'm gonna try and secure it better. I'll bring it back soon." He informed and I 'ah'ed, nodding understandingly.

"Ah, could you help me out, too? If it's not too bothersome with the crutch in your hold, as well." I asked hesitantly and he paused by the door.

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